Synonyms for in attentive
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : in-uh-ten-tiv |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌɪn əˈtɛn tɪv |
Top 10 synonyms for in attentive Other synonyms for the word in attentive
- a million miles away
- absent
- absent-minded
- absentminded
- absorbed
- abstracted
- accidental
- adventuresome
- adventurous
- airheaded
- amnemonic
- amnesic
- any old way
- any which way
- apparent
- asinine
- asleep
- asleep at switch
- asleep at the switch
- asleep on job
- asleep on the job
- asocial
- astigmatic
- bedraggled
- beguiled
- behindhand
- bemused
- bewildered
- bewitched
- birdbrained
- blah
- blank
- blasé
- blind
- blissful
- blithe
- blundering
- botched
- bovine
- breakneck
- brutish
- busy
- captivated
- careless
- carried away
- casual
- caught napping
- caught up in
- cavalier
- charmed
- clumsy
- coarse
- cold
- comatose
- confused
- cool
- cosmetic
- crude
- culpable
- cursory
- dallying
- daredevil
- daring
- daydreaming
- deaf
- deaf to
- deep
- defaultant
- delighted
- delinquent
- depthless
- derelict
- desperate
- desultory
- detached
- devil-may-care
- diffident
- dilatory
- dingy
- directionless
- dirty
- discinct
- discourteous
- disheveled
- disinterested
- disoriented
- dispassionate
- disregardful
- disregarding
- distant
- distracted
- distrait
- distraught
- diverted
- dizzy
- doltish
- doped
- dormant
- dreaming
- dreamy
- drowsy
- drugged
- dull
- easy
- easy-going
- easygoing
- ecstatic
- egocentric
- employed
- empty
- empty-headed
- enamored
- energyless
- enervated
- engaged
- engrossed
- enraptured
- enthralled
- entranced
- equitable
- evident
- exterior
- external
- fainéant
- faint
- faraway
- fast and loose
- fatigued
- featherbrained
- feckless
- flagging
- flash
- flat-footed
- flighty
- flimsy
- foolhardy
- foolish
- forgetful
- forgetting
- forgotten
- free and easy
- frivolous
- general
- giddy
- glib
- going through the motions
- gone
- good-for-nothing
- goofing off
- gratuitous
- gripped
- gut
- half-baked
- halfhearted
- happy
- happy-go-lucky
- hard-hearted
- hardened
- harebrained
- harum-scarum
- hasty
- haughty
- head in the clouds
- headlong
- heartless
- heavy
- heedless
- held
- helter-skelter
- highbrow
- hopeless
- hot-headed
- hotheaded
- hung up
- hurried
- hypnotized
- idiotic
- idle
- ignorant
- ignored
- ill-advised
- ill-considered
- illogical
- imbecilic
- immersed
- impartial
- impassive
- imperceptive
- impercipient
- impersonal
- impervious
- impetuous
- impolite
- imprudent
- in a daze
- in the dark
- inactive
- inadvertent
- inane
- inanimate
- inattentive
- incautious
- incognizant
- incompetent
- incomprehensible
- inconscient
- inconsiderate
- inconversant
- incurious
- indelicate
- indifferent
- indiscreet
- indiscriminate
- indolent
- inept
- inert
- inherent
- injudicious
- innate
- inobservant
- insensible
- insensitive
- insouciant
- instinctive
- intent
- involuntary
- involved
- irrational
- irreflective
- irresponsible
- kooky
- lackadaisical
- laggard
- lagging
- laid-back
- lamebrained
- languid
- languishing
- languorous
- latent
- lax
- lazy
- leaden
- lethargic
- lifeless
- lightheaded
- lightweight
- like an absent-minded professor
- limp
- listless
- loafing
- looking out window
- loony
- lost
- lost in thought
- lukewarm
- lymphatic
- madcap
- mechanical
- mediocre
- mindless
- mooning
- moony
- mopish
- moronic
- muddy
- musing
- myopic
- napping
- nearsighted
- neglectful
- negligent
- nescient
- neutral
- nirvanic
- nitwitted
- nodding
- nonchalant
- nonobservant
- nonpartisan
- not all there
- not busy
- not clean
- not cognizant
- not informed
- not knowing
- not on the job
- not told
- objective
- oblivious
- obtuse
- occupied
- off-guard
- offhand
- on the surface
- one-dimensional
- ostensible
- out
- out cold
- out in space
- out of it
- out to lunch
- outward
- overlooking
- overventuresome
- overwhelmed
- partial
- passing
- passionless
- passive
- perfunctory
- peripheral
- permissive
- phlegmatic
- phoning it in
- pipe dreaming
- playing with fire
- poor
- precipitate
- preoccupied
- primitive
- procrastinating
- puerile
- purblind
- quick-fix
- quiescent
- quiet
- rapt
- rapturous
- rash
- ravished
- reckless
- reflex
- regardless
- relaxed
- remiss
- remote
- removed
- repressed
- reserved
- romantic
- routine
- rude
- scatterbrained
- scornful
- seeming
- self-centered
- selfish
- senseless
- sentimental
- serene
- shallow
- sharp
- shiftless
- shoal
- short
- sick and tired
- silent
- silly
- simple
- sketchy
- skin-deep
- slack
- slapdash
- slaphappy
- sleepy
- slight
- slipshod
- sloppy
- slothful
- slovenly
- slow
- slow-moving
- sludgy
- sluggish
- slushy
- smattery
- snoozy
- somnolent
- space cadet
- spaced out
- spaced-out
- spacey
- spellbound
- spiritless
- splashy
- spring fever
- stagnant
- standard
- stereotyped
- stock
- stoical
- stony
- strung out
- stunned
- stupid
- subconscious
- subliminal
- summary
- supercilious
- superficial
- superior
- supine
- suppressed
- surface
- surroundings
- tacky
- tactless
- taken
- tardy
- temerarious
- thoughtless
- tip of the iceberg
- tired
- torpid
- transported
- trifling
- trivial
- turned off
- unacquainted
- unalert
- unambitious
- unaroused
- unaware
- unaware of events
- unbiased
- unbothered
- unbriefed
- uncalculated
- uncareful
- uncaring
- unceremonious
- uncommunicative
- uncomprehending
- unconcerned
- unconscious
- uncritical
- undeliberate
- undiplomatic
- undiscerning
- uneducated
- unemotional
- unenergetic
- unenlightened
- unfamiliar
- unfeeling
- ungracious
- unheedful
- unheeding
- unimpressed
- unindustrious
- uninformed
- uninstructed
- unintelligent
- unintended
- unintentional
- uninterested
- uninvolved
- unkempt
- unkind
- unknowing
- unmindful
- unmotivated
- unmoved
- unnoticed
- unnoticing
- unobservant
- unobserving
- unperceiving
- unperceptive
- unpersevering
- unperturbed
- unprejudiced
- unpremeditated
- unready
- unrealized
- unreasonable
- unreasoning
- unrecognizing
- unrefined
- unreflective
- unresponsive
- unruffled
- unschooled
- unseeing
- unsocial
- unsuspecting
- unsympathetic
- unthinking
- unthorough
- untidy
- untroubled
- unvigilant
- unwary
- unwatchful
- unwitting
- unworried
- usual
- vacant
- vacuous
- vague
- venturesome
- venturous
- walking through it
- warped
- watery
- weary
- wet
- wild
- withdrawn
- witless
- wooden
- woolgathering
- wrapped
- wrapped up
- zoned out
- zonked
Définition of in attentive
Origin :- 1741, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + attentive. Related: Inattentively; inattentiveness.
- As in inattentive : adj negligent, not paying attention
- As in indifferent : adj unfeeling, uninterested
- As in lackadaisical : adj careless, indifferent
- As in absent-minded : adj out to lunch
- As in lazy : adj inactive, sluggish
- As in listless : adj spiritless, without energy
- As in mindless : adj oblivious, stupid; automatic
- As in neglectful : adj careless, failing
- As in negligent : adj careless, indifferent
- As in oblivious : adj unaware, ignorant
- As in off-guard : adj unprepared
- As in abstracted : adj preoccupied
- As in perfunctory : adj automatic, unthinking
- As in rapt : adj absorbed, fascinated
- As in reckless : adj irresponsible in thought, deed
- As in regardless : adj indifferent, unconcerned
- As in remiss : adj careless, thoughtless
- As in scatterbrained : adj not thinking clearly
- As in shiftless : adj lazy
- As in slack : adj lazy, negligent
- As in sloppy : adj messy
- As in slothful : adj lazy
- As in superficial : adj without depth, detail
- As in thoughtless : adj inconsiderate
- As in thoughtless : adj absent-minded, unobservant
- As in unaware : adj ignorant
- As in unconcerned : adj carefree; apathetic
- As in unconscious : adj ignorant; automatic
- As in uninformed : adj unaware
- As in unknowing : adj unaware
- As in bored : adj uninterested
- As in distracted : adj absent-minded
- As in blind : adj indifferent
- As in devil-may-care : adj easygoing and carefree
- As in unmindful : adj not aware or attentive
- As in unheeding : adj not attentive
- As in unmindful : adj not paying attention
- As in unobservant : adj not observant
- As in bemused : adj absent-minded
- As in distrait : adj absent-minded
- As in one-dimensional : adj superficial
- As in purblind : adj blind
- As in spaced-out : adj dazed
- As in uncomprehending : adj blind
- As in unperceptive : adj blind
- As in unthoughtful : adj thoughtless
- As in forgetful : adj tending to not remember
- As in heedless : adj careless
Antonyms for in attentive
- activated
- active
- adroit
- afraid
- alert
- alive
- analytical
- animated
- anxious
- attentive
- awake
- aware
- biased
- bored
- busy
- careful
- caring
- cautious
- clean
- clever
- cognizant
- compassionate
- complete
- concerned
- conscious
- considerate
- controlled
- cunning
- curious
- decided
- deep
- detailed
- dexterous
- diligent
- disciplined
- discreet
- disenchanted
- disinterested
- educated
- energetic
- energized
- enthusiastic
- excited
- exhilarated
- existing
- fearful
- feeling
- fresh
- friendly
- genuine
- graceful
- hard-working
- heedful
- heeding
- important
- industrious
- informed
- intelligent
- intended
- intentional
- interested
- involved
- kind
- knowing
- lively
- looking
- mannerly
- mature
- meek
- mindful
- neat
- nervous
- nice
- noticing
- observant
- open
- orderly
- partial
- polite
- precise
- prejudiced
- prudent
- quick
- rational
- reasonable
- recalling
- refined
- refreshed
- remembering
- repulsed
- reserved
- responsible
- responsive
- retentive
- revealed
- rigid
- scrupulous
- seeing
- sensible
- sensitive
- serious
- sharp
- shy
- sighted
- significant
- smart
- sophisticated
- sorrowful
- spirited
- stiff
- strict
- successful
- superior
- suspicious
- sympathetic
- taut
- thinking
- thorough
- thoughtful
- tidy
- tight
- timid
- troubled
- turned off
- uncovered
- understanding
- unhappy
- uninterested
- unnerved
- unoccupied
- unselfish
- untired
- vivacious
- wary
- wise
- witting
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019