Synonyms for heavy footed
Sorry, there is no synonym available for heavy-footed.
However, these words or phrases may match your search:
- afoot
- American football
- Association football
- barefoot
- barefooted
- be heavy
- be in hog heaven
- bear heavily
- blue heaven
- Canadian football
- canadian footballs
- carried a heavy load
- carried heavy load
- carries a heavy load
- carries heavy load
- carry a heavy load
- carrying a heavy load
- carrying heavy load
- cloven-footed
- dog the footsteps of
- equal footing
- fail heavily
- fancy footwork
- fancy footworks
- father heaven
- Father in Heaven
- flat-footed
- flatfoot
- fleet of foot
- foot
- foot it
- foot long
- foot the bill
- footage
- football
- foothold
- footing
- footlights
- footlong
- footloose
- footloose and fancy-free
- footman
- footnote
- footprint
- footslog
- footstep
- footsteps
- footstone
- footwear
- gave heave ho
- go on foot
- had heavy heart
- harefooted
- have heavy heart
- having fancy footwork
- heave
- heaven
- heaven on earth
- heavenly being
- heavenly body
- Heavenly Father
- heavenly kingdom
- heavens
- heavier
- heavily
- heaviness
- heaviness of heart
- heavy
- heavy artillery
- heavy cream
- heavy-duty
- heavy hand
- heavy-handed
- heavy-hitter
- heavy-laden
- heavy metal
- heavy number
- heavy stuff
- heavyhearted
- heavyheartedness
- heavyset
- heavyweight
- hog heaven
- hot foot
- hotfoot
- in heaven
- in seventh heaven
- kingdom heaven
- Kingdom of Heaven
- lead-footed
- leadfoot
- light-footed
- lose footing
- make heavy
- making heavy
- nimble-footed
- old heave-ho
- old heave ho
- old heave-hos
- old heaveho
- on foot
- one foot in grave
- one foot in the grave
- pennies from heaven
- pussyfoot
- put foot down
- put foot in
- put one's foot down
- putting foot in mouth
- rabbit foot
- rabbit's foot
- search high heaven
- set foot in
- seventh heaven
- shoot oneself in foot
- slewfoot
- tenderfoot
- tenderfooted
- the footlights
- top-heavy
- travel on foot
- underfoot
- upheaval
- upheave
- walk heavy
- walking heavy
- walks heavy
- weigh heavy
- weigh heavy upon
- with heavy hand