Synonyms for exultings
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for exultings Other synonyms for the word exultings
- alleviation
- animation
- delectation
- diversion
- ecstasy
- exultation
- exulting
- felicity
- festivity
- frolic
- fruition
- gaiety
- gem
- gladness
- good humor
- gratification
- hilarity
- indulgence
- jewel
- jubilance
- liveliness
- luxury
- merriment
- mirth
- pride and joy
- prize
- rapture
- ravishment
- refreshment
- regalement
- rejoicing
- revelry
- satisfaction
- solace
- sport
- transport
- treasure
- treat
- wonder
Définition of exultings
- As in joy : noun great happiness, pleasure
Antonyms for exultings
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019