Synonyms for educable
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : ej-oo-kuh-buh l |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈɛdʒ ʊ kə bəl |
Définition of educable
Origin :- 1842 (implied in educability); see educate + -able.
- adj able to be taught
- The human being is the most adaptable—that is to say, educable—of all living creatures.
- Extract from : « Woman and Womanhood » by C. W. Saleeby
- I am convinced from experience that it is both normal and educable though not usually active in the large majority of people.
- Extract from : « Second Sight » by Sepharial
- As to structure, human nature is undoubtedly the most plastic part of the living world, the most adaptable, the most educable.
- Extract from : « Introduction to the Science of Sociology » by Robert E. Park
- Animals are educable in different degrees; but where they are educable they begin to profit by experience from the first.
- Extract from : « Evolution in Modern Thought » by Ernst Haeckel
- In 1869 it was estimated that there were in the State 34,000 Negro children of educable age.
- Extract from : « The Journal of Negro History, Volume 5, 1920 » by Various
- The learner could not possibly be educable, that is, susceptible of receiving instruction, unless he were able to think.
- Extract from : « The Reform of Education » by Giovanni Gentile
- In other words, we are educable, the lower animals are not, or only within very narrow limits.
- Extract from : « Woman and Womanhood » by C. W. Saleeby
Words or expressions associated with your search
- adult education
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- be reduced
- be reduced to
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- deduced
- deducement
- deducible
- deducing
- deducings
- deduct
- deductible
- deduction
- deductive
- educable
- educate
- educated
- educated class
- educated guess
- educating
- education
- educational
- educational institution
- educational program
- educational realm
- educational setting
- educational television
- educationist
- educative
- educator
- general education
- lack education
- lack of education
- learning disability education
- made an educated guess
- make an educated guess
- physical education
- reduce
- reduce speed
- reduce to tears
- reduced
- reducing
- reduction
- seduce
- seducement
- seducing
- seduction
- seductive
- seductively
- seductress
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