Synonyms for ebbings
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for ebbings Other synonyms for the word ebbings
- ceasing to exist
- cropper
- decay
- decline and fall
- decrepitude
- degeneracy
- degeneration
- dematerialization
- departure
- descent
- desertion
- devolution
- diminution
- disappearing act
- disintegration
- dispersal
- dissipation
- dissolution
- dive
- downfall
- downgrade
- dwindling
- ebb
- ebbing
- eclipse
- enfeeblement
- escape
- evanescence
- evaporation
- exit
- exodus
- fade-out
- fading
- failing
- falling off
- flight
- flop
- going
- lapse
- loss
- melting
- on the skids
- passing
- pratfall
- receding
- recession
- relapse
- removal
- retirement
- senility
- skids
- wane
- waning
- wearing away
- withdrawal
- worsening
Définition of ebbings
- As in vanishment : noun disappearance
- As in decline : noun lessening
- As in disappearance : noun vanishing
Antonyms for ebbings
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019