Synonyms for dedomicilings
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for dedomicilings
- abatement
- annihilation
- breach
- break
- countermanding
- decree nisi
- dedomiciling
- detachment
- dialysis
- discharge
- disconnection
- disjunction
- disparateness
- disrelation
- dissociation
- disunion
- division
- divorcement
- embarkation
- erasing
- estrangement
- farewell
- gap
- going phfft
- invalidation
- leave-taking
- negation
- neutralization
- nullification
- obliteration
- on the rocks
- parting
- parting of the ways
- partition
- pffft
- recall
- repeal
- rescinding
- rescindment
- rescission
- retraction
- reversal
- revocation
- rift
- rupture
- segregation
- separate maintenance
- separation
- severance
- split
- split up
- split-up
- splitsville
- undoing
- vitiation
- voiding
Définition of dedomicilings
- As in separation : noun being apart; break-up
- As in divorce : noun split-up of marriage
- As in annulment : noun voiding an agreement
Antonyms for dedomicilings
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019