Synonyms for cat and dog
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : kat-n-dawg, -dog |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈkæt nˈdɔg, -ˈdɒg |
Top 10 synonyms for cat and dog
- argumentative
- bad-tempered
- bellicose
- brawling
- cat-and-dog
- choleric
- churlish
- crabby
- cross
- disputatious
- dissentious
- excitable
- fiery
- gladiatorial
- hasty
- have chip on shoulder
- hotheaded
- huffy
- impassioned
- irascible
- irritable
- ornery
- passionate
- peevish
- pettish
- pugnacious
- querulous
- ructious
- snappy
- thin-skinned
- touchy
- truculent
- violent
- war
Définition of cat and dog
- As in quarrelsome : adj being disagreeable
Antonyms for cat and dog
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019