Synonyms for antipersonnel mine
Sorry, there is no synonym available for antipersonnel-mine.
However, these words or phrases may match your search:
- acoustic mine
- ad hominem
- adamantine
- amphetamine
- anti
- anti-feminist
- anti-G suit
- anti-Semite
- anti-Semitic
- Anti-Semitism
- anti-skid brakes
- anti-static sheet
- anti-sway bar
- antibiotic
- antic
- anticipate
- anticipates
- anticipating
- anticipation
- anticipative
- anticipatorily
- anticlimax
- antics
- antidote
- antigen
- antilock brake
- antimissile missile
- antinomy
- antipathetic
- antipathy
- antiphon
- antipodal
- antiquarian
- antiquate
- antiquated
- antique
- antiquity
- antiroll bar
- antiseptic
- antisocial
- antisocial personality
- antithesis
- antithetic
- antithetical
- antitoxin
- antiwar demonstrator
- Atlantis
- back the salt mines
- back to the salt mines
- backed to the salt mines
- backing salt mines
- backing the salt mines
- backs salt mines
- balminess
- be determined
- be determined by
- be found wanting
- be prominent
- be substantive
- bound and determined
- brigantine
- byzantine
- calciminer
- canticle
- cantilever
- cantilevers
- cantillate
- cantina
- canting
- carmine
- circumstantial
- circumstantiality
- clamminess
- corybantic
- countermine
- cross-examine
- de canting
- de-canting
- de-scanting
- de scanting
- determine
- determined
- determinedly
- determines
- domineer
- dreaminess
- elephantine
- eminence
- eminences grises
- eminency
- eminent
- eminent-domain
- eminent domain
- eminently
- enchanting
- enchantings
- examine
- examined
- examinee
- examiner
- famine
- femineity
- frantic
- frantically
- gallanting
- gamine
- Gewurztraminer
- gewurztraminers
- gigantic
- gloominess
- gumminess
- illumine
- imminence
- imminent
- in anticipation
- in anticipation of
- in meantime
- in quantity
- in substantial
- in substantialities
- in substantiality
- in the meantime
- infant/infantile
- infantile
- infantilism
- infantine
- insubstantial
- land mine
- luminesce
- luminescence
- luminescences
- luminescent
- magnetic mine
- mantic
- mantilla
- meantime
- methamphetamine hydrochloride
- mine
- mineral
- mineral collector
- native mineral
- necromantic
- nemine contradicente
- nominee
- North Atlantic Ocean
- obscurantism
- obscurantisms
- obscurantist
- of event anticipation
- panties
- pantile
- panting
- pedantic
- pedantic term
- pedantical
- penchanting
- planting
- pococurantism
- praying mantis
- predetermine
- predetermined
- preeminence
- preeminent
- preeminently
- prominence
- prominency
- prominent
- quantifiable
- quantification
- quantified
- quantifies
- quantify
- quantitate
- quantitative analysis
- quantity
- quarantine
- quarantined
- quarantinings
- ranting
- ranting and raving
- rantings
- re canting
- re-canting
- re examine
- re-examine
- re-examined
- re examined
- re examines
- re-examines
- recommended daily vitamins and minerals
- reexamine
- Rh antigen
- romantic
- romantic affair
- romantic lead
- romanticist
- salt mines
- scantiness
- scopolamine
- slanting
- slantingly
- slantingways
- small quantity
- solar prominence
- South Atlantic Ocean
- steaminess
- substantial
- substantiality
- substantially
- substantialness
- substantiate
- substantiated
- substantiation
- substantive
- supereminent
- sycophantic
- sycophantically
- tenanting
- thermoluminescence
- unanticipated
- under quarantine
- undermine
- undetermined
- unsubstantial
- unsubstantially
- unsubstantiated
- wanting
- wanting know
- wanting to
- wanting to know
- warranting
- was determined
- was imminent