Synonyms for alienation
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : eyl-yuh-ney-shuh n, ey-lee-uh- |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌeɪl yəˈneɪ ʃən, ˌeɪ li ə- |
Top 10 synonyms for alienation
Définition of alienation
Origin :- "transfer of ownership," late 14c., from Old French alienacion and directly from Latin alienationem (nominative alienatio) "a transfer, surrender," noun of action from past participle stem of alienare (see alienate). It also meant "loss or derangement of mental faculties, insanity" (late 15c.), hence alienist. Phrase alienation of affection as a U.S. legal term in divorce cases for "falling in love with someone else" dates to 1861.
- noun unfriendliness
- His widow, in spite of their alienation, mourned long and deeply.
- Extract from : « Beaux and Belles of England » by Mary Robinson
- We read of alienation between Indian Christians and missionaries.
- Extract from : « Lotus Buds » by Amy Carmichael
- There was evidence in the legal papers that alienation of these farms was not allowed.
- Extract from : « The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1 » by Various
- Neither of them took any pains to conceal from others their alienation.
- Extract from : « Louis XIV., Makers of History Series » by John S. C. Abbott
- They would, moreover, have prevented the alienation of many of their truest friends.
- Extract from : « Moon Lore » by Timothy Harley
- The common root of all sin is alienation of heart and will from God.
- Extract from : « Expositions of Holy Scripture » by Alexander Maclaren
- They had no idea of sale or barter, or conveyance, or alienation.
- Extract from : « The Prehistoric World » by E. A. Allen
- Sir Purcell interpreted this as indicating the beginning of their alienation.
- Extract from : « Sandra Belloni, Complete » by George Meredith
- Do we not on the other hand discover the specified marks of a state of alienation from God?
- Extract from : « A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the Middle and Higher Classes in this Country, Contrasted with Real Christianity. » by William Wilberforce
- Nor did the old lady interpose a word to arrest the alienation of her property.
- Extract from : « Robert Falconer » by George MacDonald
Antonyms for alienation
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019