Synonyms for alibiing

Grammar : Verb
Spell : al-uh-bahy
Phonetic Transcription : ˈæl əˌbaɪ

Top 10 synonyms for alibiing Other synonyms for the word alibiing

Définition of alibiing

Origin :
  • 1743, "the plea of having been elsewhere when an action took place," from Latin alibi "elsewhere, somewhere else," locative of alius "(an)other" (see alias (adv.)). The weakened sense of "excuse" is attested since 1912, but technically any proof of innocence that doesn't involve being "elsewhere" is an excuse, not an alibi.
  • As in justify : verb legitimize, substantiate
  • As in excuse : verb forgive, absolve; justify

Antonyms for alibiing

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