Synonyms for advised

Grammar : Adj
Spell : ad-vahyzd
Phonetic Transcription : ædˈvaɪzd

Définition of advised

Origin :
  • late 13c., avisen "to view, consider," from Old French aviser "deliberate, reflect, consider" (13c.), from avis "opinion" (see advice). Meaning "to give counsel to" is late 14c. Related: Advised; advising.
  • adj thought out
Example sentences :
  • I have advised you to resume your own estate: that you won't do.
  • Extract from : « Clarissa, Volume 1 (of 9) » by Samuel Richardson
  • So that they are advised with upon every article relating to us, or that may affect us.
  • Extract from : « Clarissa, Volume 1 (of 9) » by Samuel Richardson
  • Now I am advised by others to try on my release to forget that I have ever been in a prison at all.
  • Extract from : « De Profundis » by Oscar Wilde
  • At any rate, he advised Langdon to give Diablo a patient trial.
  • Extract from : « Thoroughbreds » by W. A. Fraser
  • "You will if you wait," advised Farrell, a tinge of asperity in his tone.
  • Extract from : « Thoroughbreds » by W. A. Fraser
  • He advised that the Guides should be called up to reinforce the brigade.
  • Extract from : « The Story of the Malakand Field Force » by Sir Winston S. Churchill
  • We laughed at him, and advised him to be quiet and put us aboard the privateer.
  • Extract from : « Ned Myers » by James Fenimore Cooper
  • Then he told me he meant to ship, and advised me to do the same.
  • Extract from : « Ned Myers » by James Fenimore Cooper
  • What we did not know was that there were other Frenchmen, in our camp, who advised Carleton of all our plans.
  • Extract from : « In the Valley » by Harold Frederic
  • "Don't you come now, dear," she advised him, in that persuasive voice of hers.
  • Extract from : « Meadow Grass » by Alice Brown

Antonyms for advised

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019