Synonyms for abhorrence

Grammar : Noun
Spell : ab-hawr-uhns, -hor-
Phonetic Transcription : æbˈhɔr əns, -ˈhɒr-

Définition of abhorrence

Origin :
  • 1650s; see abhorrent + -ence.
  • noun disgust
Example sentences :
  • There was accusation, denunciation, abhorrence in the cashier's gaze.
  • Extract from : « Thoroughbreds » by W. A. Fraser
  • They formed my character, and filled me with an abhorrence of evil-doers.
  • Extract from : « Little Dorrit » by Charles Dickens
  • He took it and cast it back to me in abhorrence and contempt, with all the strength he could muster.
  • Extract from : « The Tenant of Wildfell Hall » by Anne Bronte
  • And Plato might also have found that the intuition of evil may be consistent with the abhorrence of it.
  • Extract from : « The Republic » by Plato
  • Every ragged Moor in the streets greeted them with exclamations of menace and abhorrence.
  • Extract from : « The Scapegoat » by Hall Caine
  • With a passionate gesture of abhorrence he swung towards the door.
  • Extract from : « The Historical Nights Entertainment, Second Series » by Rafael Sabatini
  • They became the abhorrence of traitors whose crimes they thwarted.
  • Extract from : « Ireland as It Is » by Robert John Buckley (AKA R.J.B.)
  • And in his abhorrence he said to himself, "I'll kill him when I get home."
  • Extract from : « Under Western Eyes » by Joseph Conrad
  • I refrained from expressing my abhorrence of that licentious doctrine because of my curiosity.
  • Extract from : « A Set of Six » by Joseph Conrad
  • I began to feel that my abhorrence for Strickland could only be sustained by an effort on my part.
  • Extract from : « The Moon and Sixpence » by W. Somerset Maugham

Antonyms for abhorrence

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019