List of antonyms from "impish" to antonyms from "implored"
Discover our 209 antonyms available for the terms "implacable, implicate, implements, implies, implication" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- Impish (5 antonyms)
- Impishness (16 antonyms)
- Implacable (9 antonyms)
- Implantation (6 antonyms)
- Implausible (11 antonyms)
- Implausibly (2 antonyms)
- Implement (15 antonyms)
- Implementation (3 antonyms)
- Implemented (15 antonyms)
- Implementing (15 antonyms)
- Implementings (3 antonyms)
- Implements (15 antonyms)
- Impletion (1 antonym)
- Impliability (8 antonyms)
- Impliable (36 antonyms)
- Implicate (16 antonyms)
- Implicate oneself (3 antonyms)
- Implication (4 antonyms)
- Implications (4 antonyms)
- Implicit (5 antonyms)
- Implied (5 antonyms)
- Implies (4 antonyms)
- Implore (4 antonyms)
- Implored (4 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « implementing »
- verb start, put into action
- The directorates had direct connections with all implementing bodies.
- Extract from : « Area Handbook for Albania » by Eugene K. Keefe
- And already, communities are implementing the Commission's recommendations.
- Extract from : « Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to 2006 » by Various
- Councils are responsible for maintaining public order, for implementing laws, and for drawing up local budgets.
- Extract from : « Area Handbook for Albania » by Eugene K. Keefe
- We initiated and are implementing the first reform of the VA vocational rehabilitation system since its inception in 1943.
- Extract from : « Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to 2006 » by Various
- Third, and perhaps most difficult, deriving the means for implementing the most promising aspects of Rapid Dominance must occur.
- Extract from : « Shock and Awe » by Harlan K. Ullman