List of antonyms from "imbricated" to antonyms from "immeasurable"

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Definition of the day : « imitative »

  • adj simulated, unoriginal
Example sentences :
  • The imitative artist will be in a brilliant state of intelligence about his own creations?
  • Extract from : « The Republic » by Plato
  • The imitative art is an inferior who marries an inferior, and has inferior offspring.
  • Extract from : « The Republic » by Plato
  • This is why he uses the letter iota as imitative of motion, ienai, iesthai.
  • Extract from : « Cratylus » by Plato
  • But music, like all art, must be truly imitative, and imitative of what is true and good.
  • Extract from : « Laws » by Plato
  • True to her imitative instincts, Audrey could be frank with the frank.
  • Extract from : « Audrey Craven » by May Sinclair
  • And still more unsuited is sculpture, the most imitative and objective of all the arts.
  • Extract from : « The Legacy of Greece » by Various
  • The only predominant characteristic that we know is their imitative power.
  • Extract from : « The Arena » by Various
  • This masterpiece of imitative music is contained in a single recitative.
  • Extract from : « The Standard Oratorios » by George P. Upton
  • Besides this there are many forms of animal play which are not imitative at all.
  • Extract from : « The Story of the Mind » by James Mark Baldwin
  • In order to be social he must be imitative, imitative, imitative.
  • Extract from : « The Story of the Mind » by James Mark Baldwin