List of antonyms from "hide-out" to antonyms from "high quality"

Discover our 360 antonyms available for the terms "hiding, high-dive, high-mindedness, high camp, high profile, hiding place" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.

Definition of the day : « high-mindedness »

  • As in virtue : noun honor, integrity
  • As in generousness : noun generosity
  • As in great-heartedness : noun generosity
  • As in large-heartedness : noun generosity
  • As in liberality : noun generosity
  • As in magnanimousness : noun generosity
  • As in munificence : noun generosity
  • As in openhandedness : noun generosity
  • As in unsparingness : noun generosity
  • As in generosity : noun spirit of giving
  • As in greatness : noun nobleness of character; eminence
Example sentences :
  • The cowherd replied: 'Our monarch has obtained this power through his high-mindedness.
  • Extract from : « The Gtakaml » by rya Sra
  • This story is also to be told on account of the high-mindedness of the Tathgata, just as the foregoing.
  • Extract from : « The Gtakaml » by rya Sra
  • They were also typical of them for high-mindedness and cheerful devotion to duty.
  • Extract from : « The Irish on the Somme » by Michael MacDonagh
  • And she had gradually accustomed herself to his high-mindedness.
  • Extract from : « Gargoyles » by Ben Hecht
  • Neither could high-mindedness or lofty principle be predicted of him.
  • Extract from : « Home Life of Great Authors » by Hattie Tyng Griswold
  • Was her high-mindedness of the practical or impractical variety?
  • Extract from : « The Sturdy Oak » by Samuel Merwin, et al.
  • Within strictly native society the old laws and practices were harsh, but not without a certain stamp of high-mindedness.
  • Extract from : « In the South Seas » by Robert Louis Stevenson
  • A standard of good taste and high-mindedness was set in the beginning, and the tradition of it remains a living force.
  • Extract from : « Thirty Years in Australia » by Ada Cambridge
  • Is not its illustrious ancestry evident in the nobleness and high-mindedness of the present Urbs Augustan generation?
  • Extract from : « Dona Perfecta » by B. Perez Galdos
  • Does anyone seriously pretend that the present system of British Colony-holding is due to British philanthropy or high-mindedness?
  • Extract from : « The Great Illusion » by Norman Angell