List of antonyms from "hard to understand" to antonyms from "hardline"
Discover our 687 antonyms available for the terms "hard to understand, hardhearted, hardiness, hardest, hardheaded, hardihood" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- Hard to understand (25 antonyms)
- Hard to use (14 antonyms)
- Hard use (14 antonyms)
- Hard-wearing (6 antonyms)
- Hard-won (15 antonyms)
- Hard working (47 antonyms)
- Hard-working (47 antonyms)
- Hardbitten (44 antonyms)
- Hardboiled (143 antonyms)
- Hardcore (87 antonyms)
- Hardened (5 antonyms)
- Hardened to (5 antonyms)
- Hardest (44 antonyms)
- Hardests (1 antonym)
- Hardfisted (6 antonyms)
- Hardhead (2 antonyms)
- Hardheaded (6 antonyms)
- Hardhearted (5 antonyms)
- Hardheartedly (4 antonyms)
- Hardheartedness (14 antonyms)
- Hardihood (7 antonyms)
- Hardiness (57 antonyms)
- Harding (26 antonyms)
- Hardline (63 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « hardhearted »
- adj cold, cruel
- She was bold in her manners, fond of herself, and hardhearted to everybody else.
- Extract from : « The Fairchild Family » by Mary Martha Sherwood
- He wondered what made them so hardhearted and their children so bold.
- Extract from : « Amy Foster » by Joseph Conrad
- That hardhearted Lord —— seemed to be diverted by the scene.
- Extract from : « Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay » by George Otto Trevelyan
- Crack my son over the head, will you, you hardhearted, murtherin' divil?
- Extract from : « Sister Carrie » by Theodore Dreiser
- You are bound to think me hardhearted; but that is not the case.
- Extract from : « Three Comedies » by Bjrnstjerne M. Bjrnson
- Selfish, hardhearted as was Swift, he seemed but to live in disappointing others.
- Extract from : « Books and Authors » by Anonymous
- So Mr. Reynolds did not prove to be a hardhearted man, after all.
- Extract from : « The Corner House Girls Under Canvas » by Grace Brooks Hill
- "I've got an execution—that's all," said the hardhearted landlord.
- Extract from : « The Three Brides, Love in a Cottage, and Other Tales » by Francis A. Durivage
- To tell the truth, Boreas was not as hardhearted as he looked.
- Extract from : « Prince Lazybones and Other Stories » by Mrs. W. J. Hays
- But an hour later he quarreled with Lorilleux in a wineshop because the latter was so hardhearted.
- Extract from : « L'Assommoir » by Emile Zola