List of antonyms from "get act together" to antonyms from "get back ones feet"

Discover our 538 antonyms available for the terms "get along with, get astride, get back on feet, get an eyeful, get along" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.

Definition of the day : « get around »

  • As in inveigle : verb entice, manipulate
  • As in negotiate : verb traverse, cross
  • As in overcome : verb beat, defeat
  • As in prevail upon/prevail on : verb persuade, influence
  • As in shirk : verb avoid, get out of responsibility
  • As in shun : verb avoid, ignore
  • As in sidestep : verb dodge
  • As in socialize : verb be friendly at gatherings
  • As in veer : verb change direction
  • As in weasel : verb avoid, evade
  • As in prevail on : verb persuade
  • As in bypass : verb avoid
  • As in cajole : verb attempt to coax; flatter
  • As in goldbrick : verb idle
  • As in circulate : verb flow
  • As in circumvent : verb fool, mislead
  • As in nationalize : verb socialize
  • As in deviate : verb stray from normal path
  • As in divert : verb take attention away
  • As in dodge : verb avoid
  • As in elude : verb avoid; escape
  • As in evade : verb get away from
  • As in foil : verb circumvent, nip in the bud