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Definition of the day : « ancestor »

  • noun predecessor in family
Example sentences :
  • The fate of the ancestor had been typical of that of his descendants.
  • Extract from : « The White Company » by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • An account of one's descent from an ancestor who did not particularly care to trace his own.
  • Extract from : « The Devil's Dictionary » by Ambrose Bierce
  • The ancestor of Pi-Lo nearly destroyed our entire clan by fire.
  • Extract from : « The Chinese Fairy Book » by Various
  • The caterpillar, for example, resembles the worm which is the ancestor of the insects.
  • Extract from : « The Sexual Question » by August Forel
  • An Artaud, their ancestor, had come hither and settled like a pariah in this waste.
  • Extract from : « Abbe Mouret's Transgression » by Emile Zola
  • Billy Little, you must be suffering for the sins of an ancestor.
  • Extract from : « A Forest Hearth: A Romance of Indiana in the Thirties » by Charles Major
  • His experience was for me, too, as though he had been an ancestor.
  • Extract from : « Some Reminiscences » by Joseph Conrad
  • Even if the Bishop is your ancestor, you have no good title to his bones.
  • Extract from : « 'Charge It' » by Irving Bacheller
  • Far back, an ancestor of mine was the most beautiful woman in Spain.
  • Extract from : « Three Margarets » by Laura E. Richards
  • The dragon is the ancestor of everything that bears feathers or scales.
  • Extract from : « Chinese Painters » by Raphael Petrucci