List of antonyms from "felt happy" to antonyms from "feminine"
Discover our 169 antonyms available for the terms "felt-tip, felt uneasy, felt out, felt return, felt heart go out to" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- Felt happy (1 antonym)
- Felt heart go out to (4 antonyms)
- Felt home (9 antonyms)
- Felt in gut (24 antonyms)
- Felt in return (8 antonyms)
- Felt like (4 antonyms)
- Felt need (6 antonyms)
- Felt oneself again (15 antonyms)
- Felt out (25 antonyms)
- Felt remorse (7 antonyms)
- Felt return (8 antonyms)
- Felt sore (3 antonyms)
- Felt sorry (7 antonyms)
- Felt-tip (2 antonyms)
- Felt uneasy (21 antonyms)
- Felting (5 antonyms)
- Felts (5 antonyms)
- Female (3 antonyms)
- Female ruler (1 antonym)
- Female sovereign (1 antonym)
- Females (2 antonyms)
- Feminality (3 antonyms)
- Femineity (3 antonyms)
- Feminine (2 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « felt like »
- As in like : verb choose, feel inclined