List of antonyms from "end angering" to antonyms from "end-owing"
Discover our 960 antonyms available for the terms "end in view, end-angers, end of line, end-eared, end gradually, end-earing" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- End angering (52 antonyms)
- End-angers (52 antonyms)
- End angers (52 antonyms)
- End-eared (35 antonyms)
- End eared (35 antonyms)
- End earing (35 antonyms)
- End-earing (35 antonyms)
- End gradually (24 antonyms)
- End in defeat (8 antonyms)
- End in disappointment (8 antonyms)
- End in view (1 antonym)
- End-lessing (5 antonyms)
- End lessing (5 antonyms)
- End line (27 antonyms)
- End matter (2 antonyms)
- End most (3 antonyms)
- End-most (3 antonyms)
- End of line (27 antonyms)
- End of the road (12 antonyms)
- End of world (4 antonyms)
- End on (9 antonyms)
- End-owed (187 antonyms)
- End owed (187 antonyms)
- End-owing (152 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « end eared »
- As in beloved : adj adored
- As in dear : adj beloved, favorite
- As in attract : verb draw attention
- As in enamor : verb fascinate, captivate
- As in endear : verb attract attention