List of antonyms from "de posing" to antonyms from "de predating"

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Definition of the day : « de posited »

  • As in delivered : adj brought
  • As in placed : adj established
  • As in saved : adj not spent
  • As in keep : verb hold, maintain
  • As in lay : verb put, place
  • As in lay : verb produce, advance
  • As in park : verb place vehicle in a position
  • As in pawn : verb give as security for a loan
  • As in place : verb locate, situate
  • As in plant : verb establish, set
  • As in put : verb position
  • As in put away/put aside/put by : verb keep in
  • As in rain : verb drop water or other substance
  • As in repose : verb relax; recline
  • As in save : verb economize; set money aside for later use
  • As in seat : verb place in furniture, position
  • As in secrete : verb hide
  • As in bank : verb collect money or advantage
  • As in set : verb position, place
  • As in stick : verb position, lay
  • As in store : verb collect and put aside
  • As in stow : verb reserve, store
  • As in bury : verb lay to rest after death
  • As in cast : verb emit, give
  • As in hypothecate : verb pawn
  • As in inhume : verb bury
  • As in sock away : verb bank
  • As in squirrel : verb hoard
  • As in stash : verb hoard
  • As in commit : verb deliver, entrust
  • As in deposit : verb locate, put in place for safekeeping
  • As in drop off : verb deliver
  • As in dump : verb drop, throw away
  • As in embed : verb sink, implant
  • As in file : verb put in place, order
  • As in garner : verb collect, accumulate
  • As in heap : verb amass, collect in pile
  • As in hoard : verb put away, accumulate