List of antonyms from "de-hydrates" to antonyms from "de liberate"

Discover our 2870 antonyms available for the terms "de legations, de-legates, de hydrations, de-lay" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.

Definition of the day : « de lays »

  • As in interlude : noun pause, break
  • As in interruption : noun break; interference
  • As in interval : noun break, pause
  • As in arrest : noun slowing or stopping
  • As in moratorium : noun suspension
  • As in neglect : noun failure, default
  • As in avoidance : noun eluding; preventing
  • As in remission : noun pause; lessening
  • As in respite : noun pause, suspension in activity
  • As in run-around : noun avoidance
  • As in setback : noun disappointment
  • As in slowdown : noun slacking off; gradual decrease
  • As in stalemate : noun deadlock
  • As in standstill : noun stop
  • As in stumbling block : noun hindrance
  • As in deferment : noun postponement
  • As in time lag : noun lapse of time
  • As in lateness : noun belatedness
  • As in layover : noun break
  • As in postponement : noun respite
  • As in stopover : noun layover
  • As in stopping : noun staying
  • As in tardiness : noun lateness
  • As in postponement : noun deferral
  • As in belatedness : noun lateness
  • As in immobilization : noun tie-up
  • As in indecisiveness : noun hesitation
  • As in irresoluteness : noun hesitation
  • As in irresolution : noun hesitation
  • As in prolongation : noun extension
  • As in protraction : noun extension
  • As in tentativeness : noun hesitation
  • As in timidness : noun hesitation
  • As in to-and-fro : noun hesitation
  • As in dalliance : noun dawdling
  • As in deferment/deferral : noun postponement
  • As in delay : noun deferment, interruption
  • As in detention : noun confinement, imprisonment
  • As in extension : noun enlargement, continuation
  • As in filibuster : noun obstruction of progress, especially in verbal argument
  • As in hesitation : noun waiting; uncertainty
  • As in hitch : noun problem, difficulty
  • As in holdup : noun problem
  • As in impediment : noun obstruction, hindrance
  • As in interrupt : verb bother, interfere
  • As in keep : verb prevent
  • As in loiter : verb hang around; stroll
  • As in arrest : verb stop or slow
  • As in mull : verb think about seriously
  • As in pigeonhole : verb categorize; shelve
  • As in poke : verb move along slowly
  • As in postpone : verb put off till later time
  • As in prolong : verb extend, draw out
  • As in protract : verb extend, draw out
  • As in remain : verb stay, wait
  • As in remit : verb stop, postpone
  • As in reserve : verb keep, hold back
  • As in retard : verb hinder, obstruct
  • As in shelve : verb defer, postpone
  • As in stay : verb wait
  • As in stay : verb hold in abeyance
  • As in table : verb postpone a proposition
  • As in tie/tie up : verb hamper, hinder
  • As in trail : verb lag behind, follow
  • As in wait : verb pause, rest
  • As in waive : verb give up; let go
  • As in bog down : verb stick; become stuck
  • As in hold back : verb repress
  • As in tie up : verb hamper
  • As in waste time : verb idle away time
  • As in temporize : verb gain or make time
  • As in dillydally : verb dawdle
  • As in forestall : verb keep from happening
  • As in surcease : verb stop
  • As in cumber : verb hamper
  • As in check : verb hinder, restrain
  • As in immobilize : verb tie
  • As in adjourn : verb stop a proceeding
  • As in defer : verb hold off, put off
  • As in delay : verb cause stop in action
  • As in detain : verb hold, keep back; arrest
  • As in dilly-dally : verb waste time
  • As in drag : verb move very slowly
  • As in end : verb bring to an end
  • As in anticipate : verb act in advance of
  • As in hesitate : verb wait; be uncertain
  • As in hinder : verb prevent, slow down
  • As in hold back/hold off : verb repress
  • As in hold up : verb postpone
  • As in impede : verb obstruct, hinder