List of antonyms from "c sections" to antonyms from "Caesarian section"
Discover our 172 antonyms available for the terms "c sections, caesar, caesarian, c-sections, Caesarian section, cachexia" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- C sections (1 antonym)
- C-sections (1 antonym)
- Caballed (9 antonyms)
- Cabbie (1 antonym)
- Cabbies (1 antonym)
- Cabled (35 antonyms)
- Cabling (34 antonyms)
- Caboodle (17 antonyms)
- Caboodled (10 antonyms)
- Caboodling (10 antonyms)
- Cache (9 antonyms)
- Cachexia (9 antonyms)
- Cacographic (4 antonyms)
- Cacology (6 antonyms)
- Cacophonic (7 antonyms)
- Cacophonous (1 antonym)
- Cad (2 antonyms)
- Cadaver (1 antonym)
- Caesar (2 antonyms)
- Caesarean (1 antonym)
- Caesarean section (1 antonym)
- Caesarean-section (1 antonym)
- Caesarian (1 antonym)
- Caesarian section (8 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « c-sections »
- As in Caesarean section : noun surgical fetus delivery
- As in Cesarean section : noun surgical fetus delivery