List of antonyms from "woven" to antonyms from "wrestle"

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Definition of the day : « wraithlike »

  • As in invisible : adj unable to be seen; hidden
  • As in nonphysical : adj immaterial
  • As in unbodied : adj immaterial
  • As in uncorporal : adj immaterial
  • As in ghastly : adj horrifying, dreadful; pale
  • As in ghostly : adj spooky
  • As in immaterial : adj not existing in physical form
Example sentences :
  • He is a wraithlike double of Olivier, already able to reckon up all values.
  • Extract from : « Romain Rolland » by Stefan Zweig
  • The young moon shed only a wan and wraithlike radiance over the plain.
  • Extract from : « The Radio Boys on the Mexican Border » by Gerald Breckenridge
  • His body was so frail, so wraithlike, that one almost expected to see through it the magnificent tapestries on the walls.
  • Extract from : « The Story of a Pioneer » by Anna Howard Shaw
  • He called down maledictions on those two strange, impassive, wraithlike forms hardly more than half seen in the darkness and fog.
  • Extract from : « Darkness and Dawn » by George Allan England
  • But it is a wraithlike thing, and undulates and falls before our eyes like flames that have neither redness nor heat.
  • Extract from : « Musical Portraits » by Paul Rosenfeld
  • But it did not quite vanish; it held its wraithlike outlines, and in a moment began sliding silently backward.
  • Extract from : « The White Invaders » by Raymond King Cummings
  • He moved quickly in that direction, saw now a wraithlike figure in white.
  • Extract from : « Hooded Detective, Volume III No. 2, January, 1942 » by Various
  • Another second passed; it was visibly growing tenuous, wraithlike!
  • Extract from : « The White Invaders » by Raymond King Cummings
  • Here were associations almost living, they were so vivid, yet wraithlike in sheer removedness.
  • Extract from : « The Prisoner » by Alice Brown
  • Her dress flickered and flashed through the trees beside the track; it was a wraithlike streak in the twilight.
  • Extract from : « The Black Opal » by Katharine Susannah Prichard