List of antonyms from "venery" to antonyms from "verboseness"

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Definition of the day : « venturesome »

  • adj courageous
Example sentences :
  • But there are alleys, and alleys, as the venturesome lady found to her cost.
  • Extract from : « Ester Ried Yet Speaking » by Isabella Alden
  • One venturesome damsel goes to the door "Why, it's a young man!"
  • Extract from : « The Shadow of a Crime » by Hall Caine
  • And there was in him also a fine carelessness as to what he did and a love of venturesome enterprise.
  • Extract from : « The Arrow of Gold » by Joseph Conrad
  • This was no longer the adventure of venturesome children in a nursery-book.
  • Extract from : « The Arrow of Gold » by Joseph Conrad
  • She played ungodly songs, but Mary Hope had a venturesome spirit.
  • Extract from : « Rim o' the World » by B. M. Bower
  • Because I'd rather have you with me, you venturesome youth—then I should know you were safe.
  • Extract from : « Glory of Youth » by Temple Bailey
  • His airy play with the texts of Holy Scripture had been too venturesome for many.
  • Extract from : « Erasmus and the Age of Reformation » by Johan Huizinga
  • The Emperor died, and his venturesome plan was not proceeded with.
  • Extract from : « The Coming Conquest of England » by August Niemann
  • These Mormons were a most venturesome people and daring settlers.
  • Extract from : « Ranching, Sport and Travel » by Thomas Carson
  • Venturesome people are always on the look-out for fresh excitements.
  • Extract from : « Chatterbox, 1905. » by Various