List of antonyms from "vacant hour" to antonyms from "vagabond"

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Definition of the day : « vacated »

  • verb leave empty
Example sentences :
  • Mrs. Vansittart and Dorothy ascended the bank to the spot just vacated by White.
  • Extract from : « Roden's Corner » by Henry Seton Merriman
  • Fyles was hooking his reins over the post Charlie had vacated.
  • Extract from : « The Law-Breakers » by Ridgwell Cullum
  • Louise rose as he approached and motioned him to take her vacated place.
  • Extract from : « The Avenger » by E. Phillips Oppenheim
  • Arizona had vacated his favorite seat, and was now holding the floor.
  • Extract from : « The Night Riders » by Ridgwell Cullum
  • “I want to talk to you,” she said, pointing at the rocking-chair she had just vacated.
  • Extract from : « The Twins of Suffering Creek » by Ridgwell Cullum
  • Within half an hour the rooms occupied by Sir Charles and Agnes are vacated.
  • Extract from : « Oswald Langdon » by Carson Jay Lee
  • There was keen competition for the chair of Astronomy which the death of Ussher vacated.
  • Extract from : « Great Astronomers » by R. S. Ball
  • It only came to light after my mother's death in 1896 when the house at Down was vacated.
  • Extract from : « The Foundations of the Origin of Species » by Charles Darwin
  • "Sit down," she commanded, sinking into the chair I had vacated.
  • Extract from : « Lords of the North » by A. C. Laut
  • Then he walked uncertainly to the seat which she had just vacated.
  • Extract from : « A Son of the City » by Herman Gastrell Seely