List of antonyms from "tenderizing" to antonyms from "tensity"
Discover our 454 antonyms available for the terms "tenon, tensity, tensility, tensing, tenet" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- Tenderizing (27 antonyms)
- Tenderly (2 antonyms)
- Tenderness (2 antonyms)
- Tenders (119 antonyms)
- Tending (2 antonyms)
- Tendrillar (3 antonyms)
- Tends (24 antonyms)
- Tenebrosity (14 antonyms)
- Tenebrous (2 antonyms)
- Tenet (5 antonyms)
- Tenets (5 antonyms)
- Tenon (12 antonyms)
- Tenor (5 antonyms)
- Tense (16 antonyms)
- Tense up (11 antonyms)
- Tensed (43 antonyms)
- Tenses (42 antonyms)
- Tensile (16 antonyms)
- Tensile strength (8 antonyms)
- Tensility (4 antonyms)
- Tensing (50 antonyms)
- Tensings (10 antonyms)
- Tension (9 antonyms)
- Tensity (23 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « tenses »
- As in stiffen : verb make or become harder
- As in stress : verb put under physical or mental pressure
- As in tighten : verb constrict
- As in constrict : verb inhibit
- As in hunch : verb cower, crouch
- "You are not quite right in your tenses, Austin," she remarked.
- Extract from : « Viviette » by William J. Locke
- In verbs there are five tenses, or times, expressing an action, or affirmation.
- Extract from : « The Comic Latin Grammar » by Percival Leigh
- Egotism, in every one of its moods and tenses, must have a strong fascination.
- Extract from : « A Day's Ride » by Charles James Lever
- The denotation of the tenses was effected by appropriate signs.
- Extract from : « The Stranger in France » by John Carr
- The morning wore on, and tenses and moods gave place to drill.
- Extract from : « An Australian Lassie » by Lilian Turner
- Timeliness is as important as ever, so he must look to his tenses.
- Extract from : « If You Don't Write Fiction » by Charles Phelps Cushing
- The other tenses are conjugated, as is ari,u, in the second conjugation.
- Extract from : « Diego Collado's Grammar of the Japanese Language » by Diego Collado
- The present tenses is and tha never take the do before them.
- Extract from : « Elements of Gaelic Grammar » by Alexander Stewart
- It was found in the other tenses, in the other number, and in other moods.
- Extract from : « A Handbook of the English Language » by Robert Gordon Latham
- He began to lose track of his tenses—that was the only sign he gave of perturbation.
- Extract from : « The Crisis, Complete » by Winston Churchill