List of antonyms from "tele-phone" to antonyms from "telelogical"
Discover our 482 antonyms available for the terms "telegraphing, tele-phone, tele-phoning, telekinetic, tele vising, tele phones" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- Tele-phone (33 antonyms)
- Tele phoned (31 antonyms)
- Tele-phoned (31 antonyms)
- Tele-phones (33 antonyms)
- Tele phones (33 antonyms)
- Tele phoning (31 antonyms)
- Tele-phoning (31 antonyms)
- Tele scoping (37 antonyms)
- Tele-vise (20 antonyms)
- Tele vise (20 antonyms)
- Tele vised (20 antonyms)
- Tele-vised (20 antonyms)
- Tele vising (20 antonyms)
- Tele-vising (20 antonyms)
- Tele-vision (2 antonyms)
- Tele-visions (2 antonyms)
- Tele visions (2 antonyms)
- Telecasted (10 antonyms)
- Telecasting (10 antonyms)
- Telegraph (18 antonyms)
- Telegraphed (18 antonyms)
- Telegraphing (18 antonyms)
- Telekinetic (15 antonyms)
- Telelogical (7 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « telecasted »
- As in broadcast : verb put forth on electronic media