List of antonyms from "tasty" to antonyms from "tautologies"

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Definition of the day : « tautologies »

  • As in repetition : noun duplication; doing again
  • As in verbiage : noun repetition, wordiness
  • As in redundancy : noun verbosity
  • As in wordiness : noun verbosity
  • As in redundancy : noun repetition
  • As in wordiness : noun excessive in language
  • As in circumlocution : noun indirect speech
  • As in pleonasm : noun wordiness
  • As in prolixity : noun wordiness
  • As in verboseness : noun wordiness
Example sentences :
  • The fixed, impregnable, socalled apodictical facts are nothing but tautologies, if seen at close range.
  • Extract from : « The Positive Outcome of Philosophy » by Joseph Dietzgen
  • Pure logic could never lead us to anything but tautologies; it could create nothing new; not from it alone can any science issue.
  • Extract from : « The Foundations of Science: Science and Hypothesis, The Value of Science, Science and Method » by Henri Poincar
  • Sir William Temple's stile, tho easy and flowing, is too diffuse: Every page of his abounds with tautologies.
  • Extract from : « Dissertation on the English Language » by Noah Webster, Jr.