List of antonyms from "be sold for" to antonyms from "be spooked"
Discover our 844 antonyms available for the terms "be speaking, be spangled, be specific, be speaks, be spoke, be sorry for" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- Be sold for (19 antonyms)
- Be solicitous (5 antonyms)
- Be solicitous of (12 antonyms)
- Be something (4 antonyms)
- Be sore (25 antonyms)
- Be sorry (14 antonyms)
- Be sorry for (17 antonyms)
- Be sotted (36 antonyms)
- Be sought (84 antonyms)
- Be source of strength (20 antonyms)
- Be source strength (20 antonyms)
- Be spake (92 antonyms)
- Be spangled (3 antonyms)
- Be sparing (9 antonyms)
- Be sparing with (2 antonyms)
- Be speak (92 antonyms)
- Be speaking (93 antonyms)
- Be speakings (1 antonym)
- Be speaks (92 antonyms)
- Be specific (9 antonyms)
- Be spent (8 antonyms)
- Be spoke (92 antonyms)
- Be spoken (92 antonyms)
- Be spooked (3 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « be spoke »
- As in tailored : adj tailor-made
- As in indicate : verb signify, display
- As in mark : verb characterize
- As in augur : verb predict; be an omen of
- As in point : verb show as probable; call attention
- As in portend : verb foreshadow, indicate
- As in promise : verb bring hope, possibility
- As in reflect : verb demonstrate, indicate
- As in register : verb indicate, reveal
- As in request : verb ask for
- As in reserve : verb hold for future use
- As in signify : verb mean, indicate
- As in solicit : verb plead for; try to sell
- As in testify : verb vouch for; give testimony
- As in witness : verb testify; authenticate
- As in book : verb register, arrange for
- As in bespeak : verb indicate
- As in betoken : verb indicate
- As in address : verb speak to a formal gathering
- As in commission : verb authorize or delegate task
- As in denote : verb designate, mean
- As in desire : verb ask, request
- As in engage : verb hire for job, use
- As in evidence : verb prove
- As in express : verb articulate; signify, mean