List of antonyms from "re stored" to antonyms from "re taking"

Discover our 2917 antonyms available for the terms "re strictions, re tain, re takes, re styled, re striction" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.

Definition of the day : « re straining »

  • As in prohibitive : adj restrictive; beyond one's
  • As in binding : adj confining
  • As in governing : adj commanding
  • As in restraining : adj controlling
  • As in retaining : adj maintaining
  • As in tying : adj binding
  • As in arrest : noun taking into custody
  • As in arrest : noun slowing or stopping
  • As in confining : noun restricting
  • As in imprison : verb confine; put in jail
  • As in incarcerate : verb put in jail, confinement
  • As in inhibit : verb restrict, prevent
  • As in keep : verb prevent
  • As in leash : verb rein, hold
  • As in limit : verb confine, restrict
  • As in localize : verb confine
  • As in arrest : verb stop or slow
  • As in modify : verb lessen, reduce
  • As in modulate : verb adjust, harmonize
  • As in monopolize : verb dominate, control
  • As in muzzle : verb gag, quiet
  • As in obligate : verb require
  • As in obstruct : verb prevent, restrict
  • As in obviate : verb make unnecessary
  • As in pin : verb attach, hold in place
  • As in play down : verb pretend as if something were unimportant
  • As in preclude : verb inhibit; make impossible
  • As in prevent : verb keep from happening or continuing
  • As in prohibit : verb make impossible; stop
  • As in qualify : verb lessen, restrict
  • As in refrain : verb do without; keep from doing
  • As in repress : verb keep back, hold in
  • As in restrain : verb keep under control; hold back
  • As in restrict : verb confine, limit situation or ability to participate
  • As in retain : verb hold on to physically or mentally
  • As in ride : verb carry or be carried
  • As in rule : verb govern, manage
  • As in bar : verb prohibit
  • As in smother : verb extinguish; cover, hide
  • As in stem : verb prevent, stop
  • As in stint : verb economize; hold back
  • As in stop : verb prevent, hold back
  • As in strangle : verb choke, stifle
  • As in subdue : verb keep under control; moderate
  • As in tame : verb domesticate, make compliant
  • As in temper : verb calm, moderate
  • As in tether : verb fasten
  • As in thwart : verb stop, hinder
  • As in tie/tie up : verb hamper, hinder
  • As in tone down : verb moderate
  • As in withhold : verb keep back
  • As in bind : verb fasten, secure
  • As in bind : verb obligate; restrict
  • As in fight back : verb defend
  • As in hold back : verb repress
  • As in bottle up : verb hold in check
  • As in bound : verb restrict
  • As in tie up : verb hamper
  • As in bridle : verb check, hold back
  • As in trammel : verb hamper
  • As in cage : verb hold in enclosure
  • As in swaddle : verb wrap
  • As in censor : verb forbid; ban; selectively remove
  • As in chain : verb manacle in metal
  • As in bate : verb subside
  • As in chasten : verb correct, humiliate
  • As in immobilize : verb tie
  • As in circumscribe : verb mark off, delimit
  • As in peter : verb decrease
  • As in stave : verb prevent
  • As in command : verb demand
  • As in command : verb rule, have power
  • As in adjourn : verb stop a proceeding
  • As in compel : verb force to act
  • As in compose : verb calm, bring under control
  • As in confine : verb enclose, limit
  • As in constrict : verb inhibit
  • As in contain : verb hold back, control
  • As in control : verb curb, hold back
  • As in cool : verb take a break; abate
  • As in curb : verb repress, restrict
  • As in dam : verb hold back; block
  • As in dampen : verb spoil spirits
  • As in decrease : verb grow less or make less
  • As in defuse : verb disarm; smooth over
  • As in deny : verb disagree, renounce, decline
  • As in detain : verb hold, keep back; arrest
  • As in deter : verb check, inhibit from action
  • As in enjoin : verb forbid
  • As in enslave : verb make someone a servant
  • As in fetter : verb tie up, hold
  • As in fight back/fight off : verb defend oneself
  • As in foil : verb circumvent, nip in the bud
  • As in forbear : verb resist the temptation to
  • As in forbid : verb outlaw, prohibit an action
  • As in gag : verb silence, stop up
  • As in govern : verb influence; hold in check
  • As in hamper : verb impede, restrict
  • As in hold : verb have in one's hands, possession; grasp
  • As in hold back/hold off : verb repress
  • As in impede : verb obstruct, hinder