List of antonyms from "re-livings" to antonyms from "re-main"

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Definition of the day : « re-main »

  • As in ash(es) : noun remains of burning
  • As in odds and ends : noun miscellaneous grouping
  • As in refuse : noun garbage
  • As in relic : noun something saved from the past
  • As in remainder : noun balance, residue
  • As in remains : noun remaining part
  • As in remnant : noun leftover part
  • As in residue : noun leftover part
  • As in rest : noun remainder of something
  • As in ruins : noun buildings that are dilapidated
  • As in scrap : noun tiny bit of something
  • As in trace : noun evidence; small bit
  • As in track : noun mark, print made by something
  • As in vestige : noun sign, indication
  • As in ashes : noun ruins
  • As in carrion : noun decaying flesh
  • As in carcass : noun dead body
  • As in body : noun corpse
  • As in cadaver : noun dead body
  • As in dead body : noun mortal remains
  • As in carcass/carcase : noun dead body; framework, base structure
  • As in offal : noun garbage
  • As in chaff : noun waste
  • As in wreckage : noun ruins
  • As in oddment : noun odds and ends
  • As in sundries : noun odds and ends
  • As in corpse : noun dead body
  • As in debris : noun litter, waste
  • As in keep at : verb continue, endure
  • As in lie : verb be situated
  • As in linger : verb loiter, delay
  • As in linger : verb continue, endure
  • As in live : verb exist
  • As in lodge : verb become fixed or wedged
  • As in occupy : verb reside; use
  • As in outlast : verb endure beyond another
  • As in outlive : verb outlast
  • As in persevere : verb keep at; work hard
  • As in persist : verb carry on, carry through
  • As in remain : verb stay, wait
  • As in reside : verb live or exist in
  • As in resist : verb withstand, oppose
  • As in sit : verb rest on one's behind
  • As in stand : verb be in force, exist
  • As in stay : verb wait
  • As in stick : verb adhere, affix
  • As in be : verb exist
  • As in subsist : verb keep going, living
  • As in survive : verb continue to live
  • As in tarry : verb dawdle, delay
  • As in wait : verb pause, rest
  • As in wear : verb endure
  • As in bide : verb wait
  • As in abide : verb remain or continue in a state
  • As in outwear : verb outlast
  • As in cleave : verb stand by, stick together
  • As in abide : verb stop temporarily and wait for
  • As in continue : verb persist, carry on
  • As in dwell : verb live in
  • As in endure : verb continue; be durable
  • As in exist : verb be living
  • As in hang : verb suspend or be suspended
  • As in hang on : verb continue, endure
  • As in hold : verb continue, endure