List of antonyms from "re charging" to antonyms from "re-claimed"
Discover our 1168 antonyms available for the terms "re-citations, re-checks, re check, re-checking, re-cites, re checked" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- Re charging (6 antonyms)
- Re-check (4 antonyms)
- Re check (4 antonyms)
- Re-checked (4 antonyms)
- Re checked (4 antonyms)
- Re checking (4 antonyms)
- Re-checking (4 antonyms)
- Re checks (4 antonyms)
- Re-checks (4 antonyms)
- Re citation (45 antonyms)
- Re-citation (45 antonyms)
- Re citations (45 antonyms)
- Re-citations (45 antonyms)
- Re-cite (90 antonyms)
- Re cite (90 antonyms)
- Re-cited (93 antonyms)
- Re cited (93 antonyms)
- Re-cites (90 antonyms)
- Re cites (90 antonyms)
- Re citing (90 antonyms)
- Re-citing (90 antonyms)
- Re claim (70 antonyms)
- Re-claim (70 antonyms)
- Re-claimed (84 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « re-checking »
- As in reconsider : verb think about again
- As in reiterate : verb say or do again
- As in reevaluate : verb reconsider
- As in rethink : verb reconsider