List of antonyms from "re-bated" to antonyms from "re-buffs"

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Definition of the day : « re-buffs »

  • As in knock : noun strong criticism
  • As in put-down : noun nasty commentary
  • As in rebuff : noun turning away; ignoring
  • As in rebuke : noun reprimand; harsh criticism
  • As in refusal : noun denial of responsibility; unwillingness
  • As in rejection : noun denial, refusal
  • As in renunciation : noun abandonment, rejection
  • As in repulse : noun snub; rejection
  • As in repulsion : noun hatred, disgust
  • As in resistance : noun fighting, opposition
  • As in setback : noun disappointment
  • As in barb : noun pointed comment
  • As in slight : noun insult, disrespect
  • As in thumbs down : noun rejection
  • As in check : noun restraint, hindrance
  • As in imperviousness : noun resistance
  • As in insusceptibility : noun resistance
  • As in licking : noun defeat
  • As in quitclaim : noun abdication
  • As in relinquishment : noun abdication
  • As in renitence : noun resistance
  • As in renitency : noun resistance
  • As in thrashing : noun defeat
  • As in traversal : noun denial
  • As in turndown : noun refusal
  • As in vanquishment : noun defeat
  • As in defeat : noun overthrow, beating
  • As in defeat : noun frustration
  • As in denial : noun dismissal, refusal of belief in
  • As in discouragement : noun restraint
  • As in neglect : verb be indifferent, leave alone
  • As in parry : verb ward off, circumvent
  • As in pooh-pooh : verb dismiss
  • As in rebuff : verb turn away; give the cold shoulder
  • As in refuse : verb deny; say no
  • As in reject : verb say no to
  • As in repel : verb push away; repulse
  • As in repulse : verb push away
  • As in repulse : verb make sick
  • As in snub : verb give someone the cold shoulder
  • As in spurn : verb turn away; ignore
  • As in turn down : verb reject
  • As in ward/ward off : verb defend, guard
  • As in brush off : verb ignore
  • As in brush aside/brush off : verb ignore; refuse
  • As in stonewall : verb delay
  • As in censure : verb condemn; criticize severely
  • As in check : verb hinder, restrain
  • As in deny : verb disagree, renounce, decline
  • As in disallow : verb reject, prohibit
  • As in fend off : verb keep at bay