List of antonyms from "put on ice" to antonyms from "put out"
Discover our 491 antonyms available for the terms "put one's foot down, put on to, put one over on, put on the spot, put one's mind to rest, put on the shelf" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- Put on ice (90 antonyms)
- Put on its end (25 antonyms)
- Put on one's card (7 antonyms)
- Put on one side (10 antonyms)
- Put on paper (4 antonyms)
- Put on record (1 antonym)
- Put on tape (4 antonyms)
- Put on the air (21 antonyms)
- Put on the line (21 antonyms)
- Put on the map (41 antonyms)
- Put on the shelf (28 antonyms)
- Put on the spot (27 antonyms)
- Put on the tab (7 antonyms)
- Put on thinking cap (11 antonyms)
- Put on to (70 antonyms)
- Put on top of the world (15 antonyms)
- Put one over on (10 antonyms)
- Put one's feet up (9 antonyms)
- Put one's foot down (37 antonyms)
- Put one's mind to rest (11 antonyms)
- Put one's nose to the grindstone (3 antonyms)
- Put oneself in another's place (3 antonyms)
- Put oneself out (32 antonyms)
- Put out (4 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « put on ice »
- As in incarcerate : verb put in jail, confinement
- As in jail : verb incarcerate
- As in assure : verb make certain
- As in pigeonhole : verb categorize; shelve
- As in restrict : verb confine, limit situation or ability to participate
- As in sentence : verb decide punishment
- As in shelve : verb defer, postpone
- As in suspend : verb delay, hold off
- As in table : verb postpone a proposition
- As in confine : verb enclose, limit
- As in affirm : verb declare the truth of something
- As in defer : verb hold off, put off
- As in ensure : verb guarantee; make secure