List of antonyms from "previously" to antonyms from "primed"

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Definition of the day : « primarily »

  • adv generally; for the most part
  • adv in the beginning
Example sentences :
  • He rejoiced in the name, and used it primarily as a challenge to intolerance.
  • Extract from : « Shelley, Godwin and Their Circle » by H. N. Brailsford
  • And it is not for my sake—that is, not primarily for that—that I am anxious about her.
  • Extract from : « Kent Knowles: Quahaug » by Joseph C. Lincoln
  • But temporal things are to be sought secondarily not primarily.
  • Extract from : « On Prayer and The Contemplative Life » by St. Thomas Aquinas
  • It is this primarily that makes the dramas great and lasting.
  • Extract from : « The Facts About Shakespeare » by William Allan Nielson
  • In our present society, production is carried on primarily for exchange, for sale.
  • Extract from : « Socialism » by John Spargo
  • He had no axe to grind, primarily, on behalf of society and its morals.
  • Extract from : « Personality in Literature » by Rolfe Arnold Scott-James
  • But the goer afoot must not be conceived as primarily an engine of muscle.
  • Extract from : « Journeys to Bagdad » by Charles S. Brooks
  • "Primarily because you're well known and your activities are observed," she had answered.
  • Extract from : « Rebels of the Red Planet » by Charles Louis Fontenay
  • "Primarily because I'm not sure now that the Phoenix can break in," answered Dark.
  • Extract from : « Rebels of the Red Planet » by Charles Louis Fontenay
  • Marriage is primarily an economic arrangement, an insurance pact.
  • Extract from : « Marriage and Love » by Emma Goldman