List of antonyms from "patted back" to antonyms from "patting back"
Discover our 762 antonyms available for the terms "patting, patterning upon, patted oneself the back, patted on the back, patterning oneself upon, patterns oneself up on" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- Patted back (83 antonyms)
- Patted on back (83 antonyms)
- Patted on the back (74 antonyms)
- Patted oneself back (5 antonyms)
- Patted oneself on back (5 antonyms)
- Patted oneself on the back (5 antonyms)
- Patted oneself the back (5 antonyms)
- Patted the back (74 antonyms)
- Patter (5 antonyms)
- Pattern (7 antonyms)
- Pattern after (8 antonyms)
- Pattern oneself up on (26 antonyms)
- Pattern oneself upon (26 antonyms)
- Patterned oneself up on (26 antonyms)
- Patterned up on (26 antonyms)
- Patterning oneself up on (26 antonyms)
- Patterning oneself upon (26 antonyms)
- Patterning upon (26 antonyms)
- Patternings (10 antonyms)
- Patterns (7 antonyms)
- Patterns oneself up on (26 antonyms)
- Patterns up on (26 antonyms)
- Patting (74 antonyms)
- Patting back (83 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « patted oneself back »
- As in : verb congratulate oneself
- As in brag : verb talk boastingly