List of antonyms from "on average" to antonyms from "on fence"
Discover our 483 antonyms available for the terms "on empty stomach, on deck, on beat, on blink, on display, on comeback trail" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- On average (7 antonyms)
- On ball (149 antonyms)
- On beat (3 antonyms)
- On bed of roses (2 antonyms)
- On bed roses (2 antonyms)
- On blink (21 antonyms)
- On board (23 antonyms)
- On bottom (8 antonyms)
- On brink (15 antonyms)
- On certain occasions (7 antonyms)
- On collision course (28 antonyms)
- On comeback trail (7 antonyms)
- On counts (4 antonyms)
- On day (1 antonym)
- On deck (56 antonyms)
- On display (16 antonyms)
- On double (44 antonyms)
- On dry land (1 antonym)
- On ego trip (12 antonyms)
- On empty stomach (6 antonyms)
- On end (12 antonyms)
- On even keel (6 antonyms)
- On faith (17 antonyms)
- On fence (36 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « on fence »
- As in indecisive : adj uncertain, indefinite
- As in middle-of-the-road : adj moderate
- As in neutral : adj impartial, noncommittal
- As in on the fence : adj undecided
- As in unbiased : adj not prejudiced
- As in uncommitted : adj free; not involved
- As in undecided : adj not sure, not definite
- As in weak-minded : adj indecisive
- As in nonaligned : adj neutral
- As in uninvolved : adj neutral