List of antonyms from "not minds" to antonyms from "not original"
Discover our 270 antonyms available for the terms "not noticeably, not on speaking terms, not of this world, not notably, not native" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- Not minds (34 antonyms)
- Not missing a trick (16 antonyms)
- Not modern (10 antonyms)
- Not moved (24 antonyms)
- Not moves (24 antonyms)
- Not moving (24 antonyms)
- Not much (37 antonyms)
- Not much to look at (13 antonyms)
- Not naming (3 antonyms)
- Not native (8 antonyms)
- Not natural (1 antonym)
- Not notably (2 antonyms)
- Not noticeably (2 antonyms)
- Not of this world (3 antonyms)
- Not often (9 antonyms)
- Not on (13 antonyms)
- Not on duty (3 antonyms)
- Not on purpose (7 antonyms)
- Not on speaking terms (6 antonyms)
- Not on the job (5 antonyms)
- Not on your life (2 antonyms)
- Not one (1 antonym)
- Not open (17 antonyms)
- Not original (6 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « not often »
- As in little : adv infrequently, not much
- As in now and then : adv once in a while
- As in seldom : adv infrequently
- As in uncommonly : adv infrequently
- As in from time to time : adv now and then
- As in off-and-on : adv every once in a while
- As in on and off : adv intermittent
- As in hardly : adv scarcely; with difficulty