List of antonyms from "liege" to antonyms from "light"
Discover our 417 antonyms available for the terms "lifeboat, life of the party, lifeblood, lifeline, lifesaver, life-or-death" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- Liege (12 antonyms)
- Lies (17 antonyms)
- Lieutenant (13 antonyms)
- Life (20 antonyms)
- Life everlasting (5 antonyms)
- Life in fast lane (10 antonyms)
- Life of luxury (11 antonyms)
- Life of the party (3 antonyms)
- Life or death (24 antonyms)
- Life-or-death (21 antonyms)
- Life to come (6 antonyms)
- Lifeblood (15 antonyms)
- Lifeboat (37 antonyms)
- Lifelessness (1 antonym)
- Lifeline (1 antonym)
- Lifelong (3 antonyms)
- Lifesaver (30 antonyms)
- Lifespan (2 antonyms)
- Lifetime (1 antonym)
- Lifework (8 antonyms)
- Lift (40 antonyms)
- Lift a finger (14 antonyms)
- Lift up (50 antonyms)
- Light (73 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « lifespan »
- As in years : noun age; old age
- And what the hell, the doctors are increasing our lifespan every day with new drugs and things, aren't they?
- Extract from : « The Slizzers » by Jerome Bixby