List of antonyms from "liability" to antonyms from "licensed"
Discover our 222 antonyms available for the terms "liberality, librate, liability, liable, libertarian" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- Liability (11 antonyms)
- Liable (7 antonyms)
- Liable to (5 antonyms)
- Liableness (14 antonyms)
- Libel (6 antonyms)
- Libelings (16 antonyms)
- Libelous (2 antonyms)
- Liberal (14 antonyms)
- Liberal government (1 antonym)
- Liberalism (14 antonyms)
- Liberality (4 antonyms)
- Liberally (12 antonyms)
- Liberalness (13 antonyms)
- Liberals (3 antonyms)
- Liberate (11 antonyms)
- Liberated (11 antonyms)
- Liberating (11 antonyms)
- Libertarian (14 antonyms)
- Liberties (12 antonyms)
- Libertine (3 antonyms)
- Libidinous (3 antonyms)
- Librate (5 antonyms)
- License (29 antonyms)
- Licensed (1 antonym)
Definition of the day : « liberalism »
- As in free enterprise : noun free trade
- As in left wing : noun person or group favoring change
- As in lenience : noun tolerance
- As in lenity : noun tolerance
- As in toleration : noun tolerance
- As in deregulation : noun the removal of imposed
- I was ashamed of him, and sick of Liberalism, as I sat there.
- Extract from : « The Coryston Family » by Mrs. Humphry Ward
- A Liberalism worthy of the word should lift its head and see new paths.
- Extract from : « Another Sheaf » by John Galsworthy
- Adelaide had a Federation-wide reputation for left-wing neo-Marxist "liberalism."
- Extract from : « Oomphel in the Sky » by Henry Beam Piper
- Even the dreadful Hamidian tyranny could not kill Turkish liberalism.
- Extract from : « The New World of Islam » by Lothrop Stoddard
- They call us Rationalists; take care you don't fall into Liberalism.
- Extract from : « Loss and Gain » by John Henry Newman
- The spirit of liberalism was abroad in the sons of the Puritans.
- Extract from : « Eben Holden » by Irving Bacheller
- I have always been inclined to liberalism, but I have wished for gradual changes only.
- Extract from : « Condemned as a Nihilist » by George Alfred Henty
- On the other hand, there was a confident Liberalism which inspired a whole party.
- Extract from : « Socialism: Positive and Negative » by Robert Rives La Monte
- It is not sufficient, I think, to say that Liberalism is demanded.
- Extract from : « The Prime Minister » by Anthony Trollope
- Is Liberalism at bottom a constructive or only a destructive principle?
- Extract from : « Liberalism » by L. T. Hobhouse