Antonyms for turn aside
Grammar : Verb |
- abandon
- abet
- accept
- advance
- agree
- aid
- allow
- anger
- approve
- arrive
- assist
- attract
- be direct
- bore
- calm
- cause
- clarify
- clear up
- come
- comfort
- concur
- confront
- consent
- continue
- converge
- encounter
- encourage
- enter
- expedite
- explain
- face
- facilitate
- forward
- free
- go direct
- go straight
- harmonize
- hearten
- heat
- help
- ignore
- inspire
- inspirit
- irritate
- join
- keep
- keep to
- lay bare
- let go
- let in
- liberate
- linger
- maintain
- make happy
- make mad
- make vulnerable
- meet
- open
- parallel
- permit
- promote
- push
- ratify
- release
- remain
- sanction
- seek
- soothe
- spur on
- stand up to
- stay
- straighten
- support
- take on
- tire
- unblock
- upset
- wait
- want
- warm
- welcome
Definition of turn aside
- As in prevent : verb keep from happening or continuing
- As in avert : verb thwart; avoid by turning away
- As in avoid : verb refrain or stay away from; prevent
- As in switch : verb change, exchange
- As in ward/ward off : verb defend, guard
- As in stave : verb prevent
- As in depart : verb diverge from normal, expected
- As in deviate : verb stray from normal path
- As in digress : verb stray, deviate
- As in discourage : verb deter, dissuade; restrain
- As in distract : verb divert attention; confuse
- As in diverge : verb be different from; be at odds
- As in divert : verb turn a different direction
- As in dodge : verb avoid
- As in fend off : verb keep at bay
- As in field : verb catch a hit or thrown object
Synonyms for turn aside
- abandon
- aberrate
- abstain
- abstract
- addle
- agitate
- alter
- amuse
- angle off
- anticipate
- argue
- arrest
- avert
- avoid
- baffle
- balk
- bar
- be diffuse
- bear off
- beat about the bush
- beat off
- befuddle
- beguile
- bend
- bend the rules
- bewilder
- block
- break pattern
- bypass
- call away
- cast
- catch flies
- change
- change course
- check
- chill
- circumlocate
- circumlocute
- circumvent
- conflict
- confound
- contrast
- control
- convert
- cool
- cork
- counter
- counteract
- cover
- curb
- dam
- dark
- deal with
- debar
- deceive
- defend against
- deflect
- depart
- depart from
- deprecate
- derange
- desert
- desist
- deter
- detract
- deviate
- differ
- digress
- disadvise
- disagree
- disapprove
- discard
- discompose
- disconcert
- discountenance
- disfavor
- disincline
- dissent
- disturb
- ditch
- divagate
- diverge
- divert
- dodge
- draw away
- drift
- drive back
- duck
- edge off
- elude
- engross
- entertain
- equivocate
- err
- escape
- eschew
- evade
- excurse
- fake out
- fence
- fend
- fend off
- flee
- fluster
- foil
- forbid
- forestall
- forfend
- forsake
- frenzy
- frighten
- frustrate
- fudge
- get around
- get off the point
- get off the subject
- get out of
- get sidetracked
- give the slip
- go amiss
- go by way of
- go haywire
- go off on a tangent
- go off on tangent
- go out of control
- go out of way
- halt
- hamper
- handle
- harass
- head off
- hedge
- hide
- hinder
- hold
- hold at bay
- hold back
- hold off
- impede
- indispose
- inhibit
- intercept
- interchange
- interdict
- interfere
- interrupt
- juke
- jump
- keep at a distance
- keep at arm's length
- keep at bay
- keep back
- keep clear
- keep lid on
- keep off
- lay low
- lead astray
- lead away
- leave beaten path
- limit
- long way
- look away
- lurch
- madden
- malinger
- meander
- mislead
- mix up
- modify
- move to the side
- nip in the bud
- not conform
- obstruct
- obviate
- occupy
- oppose
- parry
- part
- patrol
- perplex
- pick up
- pivot
- play
- preclude
- prevent
- prohibit
- pussyfoot
- put a stop to
- put an end to
- put off
- put the move on
- puzzle
- quiet
- ramble
- rearrange
- rebuff
- rebuke
- rebut
- recoil
- redirect
- refuse
- reject
- repel
- replace
- repress
- repudiate
- repulse
- resist
- restrain
- restrict
- retard
- retrieve
- return
- roam
- rule out
- run for cover
- scare
- shake
- shake and bake
- shake off
- sheer
- shift
- shirk
- short-circuit
- shove aside
- shrink from
- shuffle
- shuffle off
- shun
- shunt
- shut out
- shy
- sidestep
- sidetrack
- skip
- skip out on
- skip town
- skirt
- slide
- slip
- snub
- spurn
- stall
- stave off
- stay away
- stay out
- steer clear of
- step aside
- stop
- stray
- stymie
- substitute
- swap
- swerve
- swim against stream
- switch
- take a turn
- talk out of
- tergiversate
- tergiverse
- throw cold water on
- throw off
- thwart
- torment
- trade
- trick
- trouble
- turn
- turn aside
- turn away
- turn off
- turnabout
- unbalance
- unhinge
- vary
- veer
- volte-face
- wander
- wander away
- ward
- ward off
- warn
- weasel
- weave
- wheel
- whip
- whirl
- withdraw
- withhold
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019