Antonyms for non conformists
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : non-kuhn-fawr-mist |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌnɒn kənˈfɔr mɪst |
Definition of non conformists
- As in maverick : noun person who takes chances, departs from accepted course
- As in nonconformist : noun person who goes against normal behavior, beliefs
- As in original : noun person who is eccentric
- As in radical : noun person who advocates significant, often extreme change
- As in rebel : noun person who does not obey
- As in sectarian : noun person who is narrow-minded
- As in beatnik : noun uncoventional, free-sprited person
- As in dissenter : noun dissident
- As in dropout : noun failing student
- As in lone wolf : noun person who avoids other
- As in insurrectionary : noun rebel
- As in insurrectionist : noun rebel
- As in revolutionist : noun rebel
- As in schismatic : noun separatist
- As in sectary : noun separatist
- As in separationist : noun separatist
- As in separatist : noun dissenter
- As in dissident : noun person who holds different belief
- As in eccentric : noun person who is bizarre, unusual
- As in free spirit : noun nonconformist
- As in apostate : noun traitor
- As in iconoclast : noun detractor
Synonyms for non conformists
- adherent
- agitator
- anarchist
- anomaly
- antagonist
- apostate
- avant-garde
- backslider
- beat
- beatnik
- bigot
- bohemian
- card
- case
- character
- cohort
- critic
- cynic
- defector
- demagogue
- demonstrator
- denouncer
- deserter
- different breed
- disciple
- disectarian
- dissenter
- dissentient
- dissident
- dogmatist
- dropout
- eccentric
- experientialist
- experimenter
- extremist
- failure
- fanatic
- firebrand
- fish out of water
- flower child
- freak
- free thinker
- freethinker
- frondeur
- gonzo
- guerrilla
- heretic
- hermit
- hippie
- iconoclast
- image-breaker
- independent
- individualist
- infidel
- innovator
- insurgent
- insurrectionary
- insurrectionist
- kook
- left-winger
- leftist
- liberal
- lone hand
- loner
- malcontent
- maverick
- militant
- misbeliever
- miscreant
- mutineer
- New Ager
- night person
- nihilist
- non-conformist
- nonbeliever
- nonconformist
- nut
- objector
- odd man out
- odd person
- oddball
- oddity
- offbeat
- opponent
- original
- outsider
- overthrower
- pacifist
- pariah
- partisan
- peacenik
- progressive
- protester
- queer
- queer duck
- questioner
- quitter
- radical
- rare bird
- rat
- rebel
- recreant
- recusant
- reformer
- renegade
- resistance
- revisionist
- revolter
- revolutionary
- revolutionist
- rioter
- rogue elephant
- ruiner
- satellite
- sceptic
- schismatic
- schismatist
- secessionist
- sectarian
- sectary
- seditionist
- separationist
- separatist
- skeptic
- solitary
- subversive
- subverter
- supporter
- swinger
- three-dollar bill
- traitor
- truant
- true believer
- turncoat
- ultraist
- unbeliever
- weirdo
- zealot
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