Antonyms for lead to
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : leed |
Phonetic Transcription : lid |
- be born
- block
- bore
- break
- calculate
- calm
- cause
- cease
- close
- complete
- conceal
- conclude
- confuse
- cover
- create
- crush
- deaden
- deceive
- delay
- delight
- demolish
- demote
- deny
- depress
- derange
- destroy
- deter
- disagree
- disallow
- disarrange
- discourage
- disenchant
- dishearten
- dismantle
- disorder
- disorganize
- disperse
- dissuade
- divide
- dull
- end
- exclude
- fail
- finish
- follow
- give up
- halt
- hide
- hinder
- ignore
- impede
- keep
- keep secret
- kill
- leave
- leave alone
- lose
- make happy
- measure
- mislead
- mismatch
- miss
- neglect
- obstruct
- pass
- please
- prevent
- put out
- quit
- raze
- refuse
- refute
- renounce
- repel
- repress
- result
- ruin
- scatter
- separate
- stay
- stop
- suppress
- surrender
- tell truth
- terminate
- untangle
- untwist
- veto
- wait
- weaken
- withhold
Definition of lead to
Origin :- c.1300, "action of leading," from lead (v.1). Meaning "the front or leading place" is from 1560s. Johnson stigmatized it as "a low, despicable word." Sense in card-playing is from 1742; in theater, from 1831; in journalism, from 1912; in jazz bands, from 1934.
- As in induce : verb cause to happen; encourage
- As in make : verb create, build
- As in occasion : verb make happen, bring about
- As in preface : verb introduce
- As in provoke : verb start, evoke; stimulate
- As in bring on : verb provoke
- As in cause : verb bring into being; bring about
- As in clue : verb give information
- As in engender : verb cause to happen; cause an action
- As in entail : verb require; result in
- As in get at : verb mean, intend
- As in go : verb contribute, work towards an end
Synonyms for lead to
- abet
- accelerate
- accomplish
- acquaint
- activate
- actuate
- adjust
- advance
- advise
- aim
- animate
- apprise
- argue into
- arouse
- arrange
- assemble
- avail
- awaken
- be at the bottom of
- befall
- beget
- begin
- bestir
- brainstorm
- break in
- break the ice
- breed
- brew
- bring about
- bring around
- bring down
- bring forth
- bring on
- bring to one's feet
- bring to pass
- build up
- bulldoze
- cajole
- call for
- call forth
- cause
- challenge
- chance
- coax
- come
- come out with
- commence
- compel
- compose
- conceive
- concur
- conduce
- constitute
- construct
- convince
- cook
- cook up
- create
- dash off
- demand
- develop
- do
- draw
- draw forth
- draw in
- draw on
- dream up
- effect
- electrify
- elicit
- encompass
- engender
- entangle
- enthuse
- eventuate
- evoke
- excite
- expedite
- fabricate
- fall out
- fare
- fashion
- fill in
- fire
- fire up
- foment
- forge
- form
- frame
- galvanize
- generate
- get
- get ready
- get things rolling
- get up
- give birth to
- give rise to
- give the lowdown
- give the skinny on
- goose
- happen
- hatch
- hint
- impel
- imply
- impose
- incite
- incline
- indicate
- induce
- inflame
- influence
- inform
- initiate
- innervate
- innerve
- inspire
- instigate
- intimate
- introduce
- invent
- involve
- kickoff
- kindle
- knock off
- launch
- lead
- lead to
- lead up to
- leave evidence
- leave trace
- leave tracks
- let
- make
- make up
- manufacture
- mold
- motivate
- move
- muster
- necessitate
- notify
- occasion
- occur
- open
- originate
- parent
- persevere
- persist
- persuade
- pique
- point to
- post
- precede
- precipitate
- prefix
- prepare
- press
- prevail upon
- prime
- proceed
- procreate
- procure
- produce
- promote
- prompt
- propagate
- provoke
- purpose
- put together
- quicken
- rally
- require
- result
- result in
- revert
- rouse
- roust
- secure
- sell one on
- serve
- set in motion
- shape
- soft-soap
- sow the seeds
- spawn
- squeeze
- start the ball rolling
- steamroll
- stimulate
- stir
- suck in
- suggest
- suscitate
- sway
- sweet-talk
- synthesize
- talk into
- tangle
- tear off
- tell
- tend
- think up
- thrill
- throw together
- titillate
- titivate
- transpire
- turn
- turn out
- twist one's arm
- urge
- usher
- waken
- warn
- wax
- wheedle
- whet
- whip
- whip out
- win over
- wise up
- work out
- work up
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019