Antonyms for inconversant
Grammar : Adj |
Definition of inconversant
- As in oblivious : adj unaware, ignorant
- As in unaware : adj ignorant
- As in unfamiliar : adj inexperienced; not knowing about
- As in unwitting : adj without fully realizing
Synonyms for inconversant
- absent
- absentminded
- absorbed
- abstracted
- accidental
- aimless
- amnesic
- blind
- blundering
- careless
- caught napping
- chance
- comatose
- daydreaming
- deaf
- deaf to
- disregardful
- distracted
- doped
- dreamy
- forgetful
- forgetting
- gone
- haphazard
- heedless
- ignorant
- in a daze
- inadvertent
- inattentive
- incognizant
- inconversant
- innocent
- insensible
- involuntary
- mooning
- neglectful
- negligent
- nescient
- not all there
- not associated
- not cognizant
- not versed in
- numb
- oblivious
- out cold
- out of contact
- out of it
- out to lunch
- overlooking
- preoccupied
- regardless
- senseless
- spacey
- strung out
- unaccustomed
- unacquainted
- unaware
- unconcerned
- unconscious
- unconversant
- undesigned
- undiscerning
- unenlightened
- unfamiliar
- uninformed
- uninitiated
- uninstructed
- unintended
- unintentional
- unknowing
- unknown
- unmeant
- unmindful
- unnoticing
- unobservant
- unplanned
- unpracticed
- unrecognizing
- unskilled
- unsuspecting
- unthinking
- unversed
- unwitting
- zonked
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