Antonyms for in continent
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : in-kon-tn-uh nt |
Phonetic Transcription : ɪnˈkɒn tn ənt |
- adopted
- calm
- careful
- cautious
- chaste
- checked
- cherished
- clean
- continent
- controlled
- decent
- defended
- disciplined
- dull
- economical
- faithful
- flexible
- gentle
- good
- honorable
- impermanent
- innocent
- insecure
- kind
- limited
- loyal
- maintained
- moral
- movable
- nice
- noble
- plodding
- pure
- restrained
- restricted
- saving
- slow
- strict
- supported
- tardy
- thrifty
- trustworthy
- unattached
- uncorrupt
- unfixed
- unhurried
- unwasteful
- upright
- virtuous
Definition of in continent
Origin :- late 14c., "wanting in self restraint," from Old French incontinent, from Latin incontinentem (nominative incontinens) "incontinent, immoderate, intemperate," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + continens (see continent). Originally chiefly of sexual appetites; sense of "unable to control bowels or bladder" first attested 1828.
- As in incontinent : adj lacking control
- As in lascivious : adj sexually aroused; displaying excessive interest in sex
- As in lecherous : adj lustful, lewd
- As in lewd : adj vulgar, indecent
- As in libidinous : adj lustful
- As in licentious : adj immoral, uncontrolled
- As in unfaithful : adj disloyal, adulterous
- As in wasteful : adj not economical
- As in uncontrolled : adj not controlled
- As in unrestrained : adj excessive
- As in unconstrained : adj abandoned
- As in ungoverned : adj abandoned
- As in abandoned : adj free from moral restraint; uninhibited
- As in fast : adj immoral, promiscuous
Synonyms for in continent
- abandoned
- adulterine
- amoral
- animal
- audacious
- bawdy
- bizarre
- blue
- blunt
- bodily
- candid
- careless
- carnal
- cavalier
- cheating
- coarse
- concupiscent
- corrupt
- crude
- debauched
- deceitful
- depraved
- desirous
- destructive
- devil-may-care
- disobedient
- disorderly
- dissipated
- dissipative
- dissolute
- double-crossing
- easy
- erotic
- evil-minded
- exaggerated
- extravagant
- faithless
- false
- false-hearted
- fast
- fast and loose
- fickle
- filthy
- flamboyant
- fleshly
- flirtatious
- foresworn
- foul-mouthed
- frank
- free
- frivolous
- gadabout
- gay
- giddy
- gross
- hard-core
- hot
- hot and heavy
- immoderate
- immodest
- immoral
- impertinent
- impotent
- improper
- improvident
- impure
- in bad taste
- in the fast lane
- inconstant
- incontinent
- incorrigible
- indecent
- indelicate
- indiscriminate
- inordinate
- intemperate
- irrepressible
- lascivious
- lavish
- lawless
- lax
- lecherous
- lewd
- liberal
- libertine
- libidinous
- licentious
- lickerish
- light
- limitless
- loose
- low-down
- lubricious
- lubricous
- lustful
- moonlighting
- nasty
- naughty
- not true to
- obscene
- of bad faith
- off-color
- offensive
- open
- orgiastic
- overdone
- overgenerous
- oversexed
- passionate
- perfidious
- philandering
- plenary
- pornographic
- pound-foolish
- prodigal
- profligate
- profuse
- promiscuous
- prurient
- questionable
- racy
- rakish
- rampant
- randy
- raunchy
- raw
- reckless
- recreant
- relaxed
- reprobate
- ribald
- riotous
- risqué
- rough
- ruinous
- salacious
- saturnalian
- satyric
- scabrous
- scandalous
- scurrilous
- self-gratifying
- self-indulgent
- sensual
- shameless
- shifty
- sinful
- smutty
- snaky
- sneaking
- soft-core
- spendthrift
- spontaneous
- sportive
- sporty
- squandering
- steamy
- stubborn
- suggestive
- swinging
- taboo
- thriftless
- traitorous
- treacherous
- treasonable
- two-faced
- two-timing
- unbounded
- unbridled
- unchaste
- unchecked
- unclean
- unconstrained
- uncontrollable
- uncontrolled
- unconventional
- uncurbed
- uneconomical
- ungovernable
- ungoverned
- unhampered
- uninhibited
- unlimited
- unmoral
- unprincipled
- unreliable
- unrestrained
- unrestricted
- unruly
- unsuppressed
- unthrifty
- untrue
- untrustworthy
- unvirtuous
- vile
- voluptuous
- vulgar
- wanton
- wicked
- wild
- X-rated
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019