Antonyms for in accurate
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : in-ak-yer-it |
Phonetic Transcription : ɪnˈæk yər ɪt |
- abnormal
- acceptable
- accurate
- actual
- adequate
- ample
- appropriate
- attached
- attentive
- authentic
- balanced
- careful
- caring
- cautious
- certain
- circumscribed
- clean
- clear
- complete
- concerned
- connected
- constant
- constrained
- correct
- cramped
- critical
- decent
- definite
- dependable
- discriminating
- doubtless
- enough
- exact
- exceptional
- extraordinary
- factual
- fair
- faithful
- faultless
- firm
- fitting
- fixed
- flawless
- formal
- forthright
- frank
- fussy
- genuine
- good
- grammatical
- guarded
- hard
- healthy
- honest
- important
- individual
- just
- kind
- known
- limited
- mindful
- moral
- narrow
- neat
- novel
- OK
- on-course
- open
- painstaking
- particular
- perfect
- polished
- precise
- proper
- protected
- proven
- prudent
- rare
- rational
- ready
- real
- reasonable
- refined
- reliable
- responsible
- restricted
- right
- rigid
- safe
- sane
- scrupulous
- secure
- severe
- sincere
- singular
- sound
- specific
- stable
- steady
- straight
- strict
- strong
- substantiated
- sufficient
- suitable
- sure
- taut
- thoughtful
- tight
- true
- trustworthy
- truthful
- unaccepted
- unbroken
- uncommon
- uncorrupt
- unique
- unusual
- valid
- well
- well-done
- well-formed
- wise
- working
Definition of in accurate
Origin :- 1738, from in- (1) "not" + accurate. Related: Inaccurately (1660s).
- As in improper : adj not suitable
- As in inaccurate : adj erroneous
- As in incorrect : adj wrong
- As in lax : adj slack, remiss
- As in loose : adj indefinite, vague
- As in misleading : adj deceptive, confusing
- As in mistaken : adj wrong, incorrect
- As in off-center : adj wide
- As in slipshod : adj careless; not well done
- As in specious : adj misleading
- As in uncritical : adj casual, unfussy
- As in unreliable : adj not trustworthy, not true
- As in unsound : adj not well; flimsy
- As in untrue : adj dishonest
- As in wide : adj off-course
- As in wrong : adj incorrect
- As in ungrammatical : adj not using the correct rules of grammar
- As in careless : adj without sufficient attention
- As in truthless : adj not true
- As in unapt : adj improper
- As in unbefitting : adj improper
- As in erroneous : adj wrong, incorrect
- As in false : adj wrong, made up
- As in faulty : adj not working; incorrect
- As in amiss : adj wrong; defective
- As in general : adj inexact, approximate
- As in apocryphal : adj questionable; fake
Synonyms for in accurate
- abnormal
- absent-minded
- abstracted
- adrift
- adulterated
- ailing
- all off
- all wet
- ambiguous
- amiss
- any way
- apocryphal
- apparent
- apparently right
- askew
- asleep on job
- astray
- at fault
- at odds
- away
- awkward
- awry
- bad
- bad form
- barking up wrong tree
- bedraggled
- beguiling
- behindhand
- below par
- bewildering
- blamable
- blemished
- bogus
- botched
- broad
- broken
- capricious
- captious
- careless
- casual
- casuistic
- casuistical
- catchy
- cheating
- colorable
- concocted
- confounded
- confounding
- confused
- confused with
- contrary to fact
- cooked-up
- counterfactual
- counterfeit
- cracked
- crazed
- credible
- crooked
- cursory
- damaged
- dangerous
- debased
- deceitful
- deceived
- deceiving
- deceptive
- decrepit
- defective
- deficient
- delicate
- delinquent
- deluded
- deluding
- delusive
- delusory
- demagogic
- demented
- deranged
- derelict
- detached
- deviant
- devil-may-care
- diffuse
- disconnected
- discordant
- discrepant
- diseased
- disheveled
- dishonest
- disingenuous
- disloyal
- disordered
- disregardful
- disreputable
- dissembling
- distant
- distorted
- distracting
- doesn't wash
- doubtful
- dubious
- duped
- easily pleased
- easygoing
- empty
- equivocal
- erratic
- erring
- erroneous
- ersatz
- evasive
- faithless
- fake
- fallacious
- fallible
- false
- fanciful
- far
- far-off
- faulty
- fickle
- fictitious
- fishy
- flaccid
- flattering
- flawed
- fluffed
- fly-by-night
- fooled
- forgetful
- forsworn
- foul
- fouled-up
- fragile
- frail
- fraudulent
- furtive
- general
- glitched up
- goofed
- hallucinatory
- haphazard
- hasty
- haywire
- heedless
- hollow
- idle
- ill
- ill-advised
- ill-defined
- ill-formed
- ill-timed
- illogical
- illusive
- imaginary
- immodest
- impaired
- imperceptive
- imperfect
- implausible
- imprecise
- improper
- improvident
- imprudent
- in error
- in poor health
- inaccurate
- inadequate
- inadmissible
- inadvertent
- inadvisable
- inapplicable
- inapposite
- inappropriate
- inapt
- incautious
- incomplete
- incongruous
- inconsiderate
- inconstant
- incorrect
- indecent
- indecorous
- indefinite
- indelicate
- indifferent
- indiscreet
- indiscriminate
- indistinct
- indolent
- inept
- inexact
- inexpedient
- infelicitous
- infirm
- inharmonious
- injudicious
- injured
- inopportune
- insane
- insecure
- insubstantial
- insufficient
- invalid
- irregular
- irresponsible
- junky
- lackadaisical
- lame
- lax
- leaky
- lemon
- lenient
- likely
- loose
- ludicrous
- lunatic
- lying
- mad
- maimed
- makeshift
- malapropos
- malformed
- malfunctioning
- marred
- mendacious
- meretricious
- messed-up
- messy
- mindless
- miscalculated
- misconstrued
- misfigured
- misguided
- mishandled
- misinformed
- misinterpreting
- misjudging
- misleading
- misled
- misrepresentative
- mistaken
- misunderstanding
- mythical
- napping
- naughty
- neglected
- neglectful
- negligent
- nonchalant
- nonspecific
- nonstandard
- not partial
- not particular
- not precise
- not right
- not solid
- not specific
- not trustworthy
- not working
- nugatory
- oblivious
- obscure
- odd
- off
- off base
- off the mark
- off track
- off-base
- off-course
- off-target
- offhand
- on the wrong track
- ostensible
- ostentatious
- out
- out of commission
- out of line
- out of order
- out of place
- out-of-place
- out-of-season
- overindulgent
- paying no mind
- perfidious
- perfunctory
- perjured
- perplexing
- perverse
- phony
- plausible
- pococurante
- preposterous
- presumable
- presumptive
- pretended
- pretentious
- prevaricating
- probable
- pseudo
- puzzling
- questionable
- rambling
- random
- rank
- raunchy
- reckless
- recreant
- regardless
- remiss
- remote
- rickety
- rotten
- screwed-up
- scrubby
- scruffy
- seeming
- shabby
- shaky
- shallow
- sham
- shapeless
- shifty
- shoddy
- sick
- slapdash
- slipshod
- sloppy
- slovenly
- soft
- solecistic
- sophistic
- sophistical
- sophisticated
- specious
- spurious
- stray
- superficial
- tacky
- tainted
- tattered
- thoughtless
- threadbare
- tottering
- traitorous
- treacherous
- tricked
- tricky
- trumped up
- two-faced
- unadvised
- unapt
- unauthenticated
- unbacked
- unbalanced
- unbecoming
- unbefitting
- uncalled-for
- uncertain
- uncircumspect
- uncomely
- unconcerned
- unconvincing
- undependable
- under wrong impression
- underhand
- underhanded
- undetailed
- undiscerning
- undiscriminating
- undue
- unexacting
- unfair
- unfaithful
- unfit
- unfitting
- unfounded
- ungenuine
- ungrounded
- unguarded
- unhealthy
- unheeding
- unhinged
- uninformed
- unkempt
- unlawful
- unloyal
- unmeticulous
- unmindful
- unobservant
- unperceptive
- unreal
- unreflective
- unreliable
- unretentive
- unsafe
- unsatisfactory
- unseasonable
- unseemly
- unselective
- unsound
- unspecific
- unstable
- unsteady
- unsubstantial
- unsubstantiated
- unsuitable
- unsuited
- unsure
- unsystematic
- unthinking
- unthorough
- untidy
- untimely
- untoward
- untrue
- untrustworthy
- untruthful
- unverified
- unwarranted
- unwell
- vacillating
- vague
- vain
- warped
- warranted
- wasteful
- wavering
- way off
- way-off
- weak
- wide
- wide of mark
- wide of the mark
- wild
- wobbly
- wrong
- wrong number
- wrongly identified
- yielding
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019