Antonyms for gasser
Grammar : Adj, noun |
Spell : gas-er |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈgæs ər |
- bad
- boring
- common
- depressing
- disagreeable
- dramatic
- dull
- easy
- facile
- laborious
- logical
- melancholy
- nice
- normal
- plain
- reasonable
- repellent
- repulsive
- sad
- sensible
- serious
- simple
- standard
- straightforward
- tiring
- tragic
- unaffecting
- unamusing
- uncomplicated
- unenjoyable
- unexciting
- unfunny
- unhappy
- uninteresting
- unpleasant
- unstimulating
- usual
- wise
Definition of gasser
- As in complicated : adj difficult, complex
- As in entertaining : adj amusing, pleasing
- As in funny : adj comical, humorous
- As in tattletale : noun gossip
Synonyms for gasser
- absorbing
- abstruse
- absurd
- affecting
- amusing
- antic
- arduous
- be a ball
- bigmouth
- blabber
- blabbermouth
- blithe
- busybody
- byzantine
- can of worms
- canary
- capricious
- captivating
- charming
- cheerful
- cheering
- clever
- compelling
- convoluted
- Daedalean
- delightful
- difficult
- diverting
- droll
- elaborate
- enchanting
- engaging
- engrossing
- enjoyable
- entangled
- entertaining
- enthralling
- enticing
- entrancing
- exciting
- facetious
- fancy
- farcical
- fascinating
- fat mouth
- fink
- for grins
- fun
- funny
- gas
- gasser
- gay
- gelastic
- good-humored
- Gordian
- gossip
- hard
- hi-tech
- hilarious
- humdinger
- humorous
- hysterical
- impressive
- informer
- inspiring
- interesting
- interlaced
- intricate
- involved
- jocose
- jocular
- joking
- jolly
- killing
- knee-slapper
- knotty
- labyrinthine
- laughable
- lively
- ludicrous
- mega factor
- merry
- mirthful
- mixed
- moving
- nark
- peacher
- perplexing
- piquant
- playful
- pleasant
- pleasurable
- poignant
- polly
- priceless
- problematic
- provocative
- puzzling
- quidnunc
- rat
- ratfink
- recondite
- recreative
- relaxing
- restorative
- rich
- ridiculous
- riot
- riotous
- risible
- rousing
- rumormonger
- scandalmonger
- scream
- screaming
- side-splitting
- silly
- slapstick
- sleazemonger
- snitch
- snitcher
- sophisticated
- sportive
- squeaker
- squealer
- stimulating
- stirring
- stool pigeon
- stoolie
- striking
- tabby
- talebearer
- taleteller
- tattler
- telltale
- thrilling
- tipster
- troublemaker
- troublesome
- various
- waggish
- wheels within wheels
- whimsical
- whistleblower
- whistler
- windbag
- witty
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