Antonyms for deep seated

Grammar : Adj
Spell : deep-see-tid
Phonetic Transcription : ˈdipˈsi tɪd

Definition of deep seated

Origin :
  • 1741, "having its seat far below the surface;" see seat (v.). Figurative use is from 1847.
  • As in inborn/inbred : adj coming from birth; natural
  • As in ingrained : adj deep-rooted
  • As in inherent : adj basic, hereditary
  • As in innate : adj inherited, native
  • As in inner : adj mental, private
  • As in intimate : adj private, personal
  • As in intrinsic : adj basic, inborn
  • As in inveterate : adj long-standing, established
  • As in profound : adj intense; emotional
  • As in radical : adj fundamental, basic
  • As in inborn : adj natural
  • As in born : adj innate
  • As in built-in : adj included
  • As in embedded : adj entrenched
  • As in inbred : adj produced by inbreeding
  • As in chronic : adj incessant, never-ending
  • As in habituated : adj chronic
  • As in hard-shell : adj confirmed
  • As in ineradicable : adj confirmed
  • As in irradicable : adj confirmed
  • As in lingering : adj chronic
  • As in protracted : adj chronic
  • As in confirmed : adj habitual; rooted
  • As in constitutional : adj inherent
  • As in deep : adj extending very far, usually down
  • As in deep-seated : adj ingrained
  • As in dyed-in-the-wool : adj deep-rooted
  • As in essential : adj basic, fundamental
  • As in gut : adj intuitive
Example sentences :
  • The love of secrecy and adventure is also deep seated in us.
  • Extract from : « The Mind and Its Education » by George Herbert Betts
  • The King watched the pair of them with his crafty eyes, deep seated in his head.
  • Extract from : « The Fifth Queen » by Ford Madox Ford
  • A deep seated melancholy was apparent in his countenance and conversation.
  • Extract from : « Great Indian Chief of the West » by Benjamin Drake
  • Gersonides's entire discussion of miracles shows a deep seated motive to minimize their extent and influence.
  • Extract from : « A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy » by Isaac Husik
  • The cottage itself was built of gray stone; with thick walls and large, low, deep seated windows.
  • Extract from : « Solaris Farm » by Milan C. Edson
  • But it is the second cause, above mentioned, which is deep seated and permanent.
  • Extract from : « Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson » by Thomas Jefferson
  • What in the world could induce a seemingly pleasant fellow like Dick to go off apparently without cause into a deep seated grouch?
  • Extract from : « The Forbidden Trail » by Honor Willsie
  • And when the cough seems to be deep seated use Bryonia instead of spongia.
  • Extract from : « An Epitome of Homeopathic Healing Art » by B. L. Hill
  • For the Phlegmonous, with deep seated swellings, Apis mel is the most important remedy.
  • Extract from : « An Epitome of Homeopathic Healing Art » by B. L. Hill
  • A deep seated melancholy was apparent in his countenance, and conversation.
  • Extract from : « Autobiography of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, or Black Hawk » by Black Hawk

Synonyms for deep seated

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019