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Definition of the day : « ogee »
- As in curve : noun arched, rounded line or object
- Small windows have heads shaped in the ogee or trefoil forms.
- Extract from : « English Villages » by P. H. Ditchfield
- Second, because the ogee has in it, in a combined form, the outlines of nearly all the other types.
- Extract from : « Carpentry for Boys » by J. S. Zerbe
- But for variation we may decide to use the ogee reversed, as in Fig. 200.
- Extract from : « Carpentry for Boys » by J. S. Zerbe
- On this band we can apply the ogee type (Fig. 199) right side up.
- Extract from : « Carpentry for Boys » by J. S. Zerbe
- It is capable of use with other moldings, and may be reversed with just as good effect as the ogee.
- Extract from : « Carpentry for Boys » by J. S. Zerbe
- All these windows now have ogee arches, and are of three lights.
- Extract from : « Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ely » by W. D. Sweeting
- Ogee—a moulding formed by the combination of a round and hollow.
- Extract from : « Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys » by Dugald Butler and Herbert Story
- We have seen many Swastikas composed of the crossed ogee lines or curves.
- Extract from : « The Swastika » by Thomas Wilson
- The Bits used for the war-horse have long cheeks, which are often of an ogee form.
- Extract from : « Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe » by John Hewitt
- There is an ogee pediment, and a niche with angels on each side, with censers.
- Extract from : « The Cathedrals of Great Britain » by P. H. Ditchfield